So whats wrong with large water changes?


Active Member
Originally Posted by diane4
One of my freshwater tanks is a 58 gallon tank that has 9 black hi fin skirt tetras and 6 blushing koi angels. I do the same big water change on them and have them about 6 months and they have doubled in size. They do well and I give them the big water changes.
I have 3 freshwater tanks, One's a 50 gallon hex and the other two are 29's. I did the big water changes on the 29's to see what happens, nothing but bad stuffs, kept on losing fish over and over. The hex I don't do half of the water changes I do on the 29's. The hex has 4 Parrots, 6 Bleeding Heart Tetras, 1 Brown Knife, 3 Bosmani Rainbows, and 2 exotic Pletcos. This tank has been setup for over 3 years. NO problem what so ever except when the bio-wheel broke and had to replace it. Everyone looks at that tank when they come by and said "What a nice tank" I think IF I did the same method like the 29's, they probably would of died. I do the same method with my 29's now as the same as the hex and everything is looking great, no more losing fish and the angel has double it's size within 2 months, not 6! I've had these tanks much longer then 6 months. The 29's I've had for a year now sitting side by side with a split castle in each. But if your method works for you, great, but it doesn't work well in these tanks. Like I've said earlier, I used to do the samething like you did with my first tank without any problem, but they were living in absolute clean enviroment that they have no chance to deal with bacteria. If any bacteria was introduced, they have no chance for survival. :happyfish


Active Member
Originally Posted by promisetbg
The bacteria in the water is you suspect it is mostly on the surfaces in the tank...rock,equipment,etc.
I think you are wasting your money a bit...a 50 % WC is good about once every six months or so...other than that 25 % would be sufficient.I tried the smaller more frequent water changes...I did'nt like the results I was seeing.I have gone back to 20-25 % every two weeks.On my nano I change a couple gal. a week since it has no skimmer or refugium.
For me, I do more frequent water changes weekly in small amounts. Because of my lights I get more evaporation, even though I replenish the water with RO water daily, the results isn't good if I don't do a water change weekly. By doing what I've been doing, things are looking fine. But this works for me and it may not work for someone else. I still feel by doing large water changes, you can disrupt your system and the bacteria, but that's just my opinion. By trial and error on my freshwater, I see that happen, but I know saltwater is different from it, but I still think the same method applies. :happyfish