so.. who is smart enough to help me with my polyp and mushrooms troubles..


Problem: not oping, glass like, dieing off.. I need help
calcium is at 460
temp 79
salt: 1.022
all the stuff on the "test strips" is perfect
i been having a red elgee problem so i thought it was the calcium but its in the normal range
i have a Aptasia problem as well..
i use tap water.. and i recently read a book and said i could neutralize the tap water with some chemical but dont know if that's the way to go.. I've tried soo many things.


well a picture would help
BUT I see many issues with the little info you posted
aptasia, red slime, tap water, test strips
you need a better test kit...also we need to know everything about your set up...size tank, age, lightin, inhabitants.....EVERYthing


Active Member
I agree with meowzer.. I see a lot wrong... do you at least condition your water? Or put tap straight in your tank?
Also, test strips are EXTREMELY INACCURATE!!!
It would really help if you got the seachem or API test kits, they are much, much more accurate... anything besides test STRIPS!!!


Active Member
How long has the tank been set up for? What other inhabitants are in the tank with it? How big is the tank? What filter do you have? Lighting? Any other equipment?
Sorry If I sound rude or anything, I don't mean too.. I really want to help you... I just need to know a lot more information than what you gave us!


Active Member
Originally Posted by coralman05 http:///forum/thread/387354/so-who-is-smart-enough-to-help-me-with-my-polyp-and-mushrooms-troubles#post_3407705
Problem: not oping, glass like, dieing off.. I need help
calcium is at 460
temp 79
salt: 1.022
all the stuff on the "test strips" is perfect
i been having a red elgee problem so i thought it was the calcium but its in the normal range
i have a Aptasia problem as well..
i use tap water.. and i recently read a book and said i could neutralize the tap water with some chemical but dont know if that's the way to go.. I've tried soo many things.
Salinity for corals is on the lower end of the spectrum. With corals ideally you would want to see that number 1.024 to 1.026
Test Strips, as stated above are not accurate.
Algae is usually a dietrus or phosphate related problem, and I see your tap water being a contributor that problem (not to mention any other minerals/hard metals its adding to your tank). Look into RO water, major retailers such as Walmart and grocery stores usually sell it (this is if you don't want to set up your own RO unit).
Aptasia- Joes Juice , something "X" (cant think of this name, as I have never used it) or peppermint shrimps are good ways to control it.
All of these things could add to the issues you are having with your corals.


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by coralman05 http:///forum/thread/387354/so-who-is-smart-enough-to-help-me-with-my-polyp-and-mushrooms-troubles#post_3407705
Problem: not oping, glass like, dieing off.. I need help
calcium is at 460
temp 79
salt: 1.022
all the stuff on the "test strips" is perfect
i been having a red elgee problem so i thought it was the calcium but its in the normal range
i have a Aptasia problem as well..
i use tap water.. and i recently read a book and said i could neutralize the tap water with some chemical but dont know if that's the way to go.. I've tried soo many things.
I agree with what everyone else has posted....From the info you posted, I'm surprised anything is alive at all in your tank, including the fish. The biggest issue is the last line, and the root of all your problems. So change to RO (Reverse Osmoses) water with water-changes and you should start seeing improvment. Mushrooms don't even need fancy lights. If you only use test strips, how do you know your calcium reading is 460?


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by coralman05 http:///forum/thread/387354/so-who-is-smart-enough-to-help-me-with-my-polyp-and-mushrooms-troubles#post_3408029
I brought the drops that test for calcium.. That's a post a did a week or two ago with the same problem but getting worse.. (corals continuing to go down hill)
I expected to see a post saying...I'm doing water changes right now...I went to walmart and got some good RO water, I hope the corals hang in there until I can get the tap chemicals cleaned out.
If you keep doing the things you have always done, you will keep getting the results you already have.


I've changed so many things though thats the thing.. so it has to be the water i;m adding in? the use to be great.. so why everything changed now idk


Well-Known Member
prob not so great water man! LOL
Ur waters been bad this whole time! Most coral takes a month or two before i decide if its doing well or not!
If u can try to answer the questions....we all just wanna help bro!
Ur not gonna see cyano sprout the next day! It takes some time before showing up actually!
U may need more flow as well!
Plz post all ur equipment and tank stats!!!!


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by coralman05 http:///forum/thread/387354/so-who-is-smart-enough-to-help-me-with-my-polyp-and-mushrooms-troubles#post_3408064
I've changed so many things though thats the thing.. so it has to be the water i;m adding in? the use to be great.. so why everything changed now idk
Hi, don't get discouraged...
Maybe it takes time for the chemicals in tap water to do it's damage. Just like smoking is bad for your health, but it doesn't kill you right away. The coral you have, mushrooms and polyps are some of the hardiest coral, which is why they make great beginner corals. If you fix the problem they bounce back to health.
It takes good water to keep coral, even mushrooms. From your posts you weren't even removing the chlorine from the tap...The city loads chemicals into our drinking water to kill bacteria so we don't get sick, those chemicals are designed to kill everything in it. We used to get warnings all the time that the tap water was bad and for us to boil it before using tap water isn't consistantly good for us to even drink.
Like Spanko likes to say...The solution to pollution is some water changes, using RO water. They sell it at the grocery stores...Walmart sells it for 37 cents a gallon. Use it for water changes and top offs and see if it will make an improvement....I'm willing to bet money that the tap water is the problem.