So you are new here....


I don't know what i whould have done with out this site, my buddy gave me a snowflake eel in December, because he was moving and had no where to put it. I've managed to learn a whole lot, and it keeps me from bugging my boss who has several salt water set ups! You guys Rock!


Originally Posted by Scotts
and maybe new to the hobby, Good! Congratulations! You have already started off to the hobby better than I started. I started off by listening soley to my LFS. Don't know what a lfs is, check out this thread. There have been many new people here asking specific questions about starting up thier tank. Well here is a thread that might help you out. BTW these threads are found in the archives at the bottom of the main page. You might want to do some reading there.
One thing that will help you out is the old search button. It is located at the top right of this page. Learn it, live it, love it. I know why should you do a search here when you have a specific question. There is an easy answer, because in researching your situation you may find answers to questions you did not know to ask. Also in this hobby there is no perfect answer. Each tank is different and there are many different opinions on how to keep a tank.
Now to get on my soap box, research EVERYTHING before you buy it. My often told story is on impulse I bought a beautiful 2" fish. Then I found this board and learned about researching. Well it turns out this fish grew to about 10" in size and was not reef safe.
So a long winded way to say WELCOME. And if you are new here, post on here, tell us about your tank and what ya got in it. Also if you have a question and are don't want to start a thread, post it on here. Oh here is now the dancing banana just cause I think they are cool

:cheer: :cheer: :happyfish :happyfish Great post!!!


Active Member
Originally Posted by zipityzoom
nope no joke.....I know it seems like a lot. but these fish have all been in the tank for over six months and everything is fine. The water is clear and tests are great. No ich or other sicknesses and no problems with any algae. I would think that levels would be off but I have no ammonia no nitrites ph is 8.2 and nitrates are 4. No problems. There was a yellow tand and a heniocus butterfly but my mom kept them. I'll post pics later. Thanks for the constructive criticism though. Everyone on here thinks they know everything, but if you take care of you tank and monitor the levels to determine if the fish are doing well, you can have more than what people think you can.

It doesn't just seem like alot, it is alot! Your tank is going to crash eventually. I don't know everything, but been in this hobby for over 20 yrs and i do know thats way to much of a bioload on your size tank. You want constructive criticism, and thats what i am giving you, so don't get offended by it ok? Can your mom take afew more of the fish besides the tang and butterfly? And do not replace those 2/ Show some pics when you get a chance


Originally Posted by sweetdawn
dont put any shrimp in with the bird wrasse it is n expensive lunch if i could catch that murderer he would be gone. my poor cute little cleaner shrimp

Its nature-its what he eats-hes not a murderer...we eat meat don't we?? Again -- researching before we add fish to our tank is so important...Not his fault-but our fault for not knowing about him....hes a great beautiful fish :happyfish :happyfish


Active Member
Originally Posted by fishfryer
:thi i have been reading this site for a month and decided today to venture and add my name. i have been doing salt water mainly fish for about 5 years and added corals recently to my 55 gal tank. i dont add anything and just do biweekly water changes. my light are probably low but i just do mushrooms. i am so mixed up when it comes to figuring watts maybe someone can tell me. i have one 48 inch 50/50 actinic 6000 k that says it puts 360 output. so question is how many watts is that? my temp is 82 ph 8.2 amonia .25 and nitrates 20 nitates 0 calcium 420 alk 200 and never have a problem. i have a sand bed .i use walmart water for my changes and use instant ocean salt.i have been reading get a protein skimmer and get r/o for water but dont see why i need it. oh yes i have live rock i just added every month so i dont know how many pounds if i had to guess many 30# but who know it covers over half my tank.and i get it cured for me

You'll need more lighting if you want to keep corals to since most are photosynetic (spelling??). Corals need better water quality and won't last long with high ammonia and nitrates. The problem with using water other than RO water is that it contains additives such as copper or chlorine which is bad, and phoshates which promotes unwanted algae. If and when you get a skimmer you'll be amazed of all the stuff it will remove from your water.


Originally Posted by zipityzoom
Hi everyone. I recently bought an established 46 gallon bow front with cabinet from my mom. We sucessfully moved it from her house to mine without losing any fish. YEAH!!! I have about 60 lbs of live rock and live sand. Here are my fish....
Fox Face
Green bird wrasse
Valentine Puffer
Hawaiian Blue Puffer
Large Gold stripe Maroon Clown
Coral Beauty
Flame Angel
Lyretail Anthias
a few Shaving Brush Plants
Two hermit crabs
and a fish that I can't remember his name. He is in the trigger family and is orange in the back with a purple face
What kind of tang and butterfly would you recommend for this tank. Everyone gets along fine. No fighting or picking at each other.
Glad everyone is getting some real advice. If you have some questions let me know. I learned a lot from my mom's mistakes. :happyfish
WOW! Thats alot of fish! That's slightly larger than my stock list for my 125g aquarium!, and I think it's over-stocked! YOu only suggested about 4 fish that could go in there:
Maroon clown- extremely agresive
coral beauty and flame angels- will most likely kill each other when they grow bigger
blenny- eh... he's fine.
When they grow bigger your going to need to get rid of more than a few. Sorry not flaming you but I think thats way over-stocked.


Hey , I have a new 75 gallon tank. I have tap water and cc in it now cycleing
. Which is my first 2 mistakes. The pH is 8.2 Good, and my tempurature is also stable at 79F. But i havent got any brown algea i have read about. Been up for 2 weeks now, with NO fish or inverts in it. Equipment: have a bio ball filter strong enough for a 90 gallon ,lights, heater. I know i need a ton more so give me some advice.