i know im knew to this but i have a question. too many of us want to stand on our soap boxes and preach. i keep hearing the discussion about cycling a tank, why do you use live fish? use a cocktail shrimp? were all trying to help the environment and protect are resources and i understand this. why not just put flake food in and let bacteria break it down if thats your only argument? what im getting at is that too many of us wnat to throw this environmental protection thing on everyone, did you not consider that the cocktail shrimp your refferring to was alive at one time untill the net ripped it out of the sea? or do any of us eat tunafish on a regular basis knowing that it kils dolphins also? even if it does say dolphin safe there is a quota you know. lets just try to keep it that we all have different opinions, and think first about eventhing that goes on behind all our thoughts theres always too sides to a story. jmo but i love this hobby even if im knew