SOCCER - The Real Football


New Member
Most of the people trashing soccer here probably haven't even played the game at a high enough level to understand it. If the only soccer experience I had was running around after a ball with a bunch of little kids when I six, I might not enjoy it either. But that's just me


Originally Posted by SDPetie
why uses your legs only when you can use your arms?
Nice first post
. We'll all look forward to your contributions to the site.
I agree that most of the people here trashing soccer probably don't have much experience with the sport - no doubt the fault of the weak appeal it has to commercial America (no allowances for commericals on tv). But I would guess they have even less experience with football (at least playing).
Look, I said it before: I like both sports. One I appreciate for the strategic value (and its something to drink a couple of beers to with my college buddies on a Sat) and the other I play and just love for too many reasons to list.
But you have to look at it like this: Football is played in the US, Canada, and parts of Europe, the latter two being sort of a cosmic joke. The world deems football as kind of sissy rugby. But soccer...well, its played on nearly all of the planet, and the world deems it as the beautiful game.


To start off with "To each their own!"
Soccer has world wide appeal because you only need a flat spot and a ball. The US being a nation of more means. American Football just isn't available to everyone.$$$$
But, as a former college football player (real kind with QB and RB, etc.) I just cannot watch or play a sport that has a huge probability of ending one to "nil." A great soccer match may end 0-0. What a waist of time.

darth tang

Active Member
Ok, to end the debate.
The only major fatalities in soccer come from the goal posts (look it up) or the fans. (when the equipment or fans pose more of a threat to your life and saftey than the other players, make a person pause and wonder how physical it truly is?
Football has fatalities or career ending injuries on a more regular basis. (Must mean it is far more physical and dangerous.)
Let's compare salaries. Most proffessional soccer players make under 50,000 a year. The higfhest I found, the salary wasn't even 1 million. The MINIMUM in the NFL is 250,000. The most I found is 13 million a year.
Football pays better and is physically tougher. Deal with it. Isn't there a riot you soccer players have to go to?
Darth (NFL) Tang


Originally Posted by Darth Tang
Let's compare salaries. Most proffessional soccer players make under 50,000 a year. The higfhest I found, the salary wasn't even 1 million.
this is definitely wrong.
unless you are only counting pro soccer in nothern america

darth tang

Active Member
Originally Posted by SDPetie
this is definitely wrong.
unless you are only counting pro soccer in nothern america

Well, the odds of my son being placed on the Australian team is slim to nil. So American Soccer is all that matters when comparing the two.
And please, do list the salaries of the highest paid players in the "sport". I am curious.
Darth (Show me the Money) Tang


Originally Posted by Darth Tang
Well, the odds of my son being placed on the Australian team is slim to nil. So American Soccer is all that matters when comparing the two.
And please, do list the salaries of the highest paid players in the "sport". I am curious.
Darth (Show me the Money) Tang
comparing salaries in NFL to MLS is like comparing salaries in NFL in europe and top division soccer leagues there.
david beckham makes roughly 10-15 million dollars a year excluding endorsement.


Active Member
well the "Most Popular Athelete In The World" (who is also married to "Posh Spice") Makes a ton of $$$ from endorsements and has the biggest futbol contract:
"Although the US market contributes very little, David Beckham's salary is an estimated $37.4 million a year. Only about $10 million of that is related to playing football at Real Madrid."
there are big contract out there in the world of soccer, but Darth is right... baring the riots American Football is way tougher and more dangerous than Soccer... why do ya all think they have to where pads...the Athletes are stronger and for the most part quicker/faster...
ru(not gonna chase a polka dotted ball)around


Soccer players do have the risk of having some hooligan waiting in their driveway to shoot them when they give up a goal. That takes some seeds, I guess. Who is David Beckem?


Originally Posted by crimzy
Don't forget the juice boxes and orange slices... your mom brings them this week, right?



Active Member
Originally Posted by abethedog
Who is David Beckem?
he is "the Most Popular Athlete In The World"... although he is not well known in the US... ever heard of the movie "Bend It Like Beckham"? do a google on him... he is a real hit with the ladies too...


Rugby players everywhere are laughing at football players. Here's the simple truth. Football players are dumb as rocks. And while a lot of you anti soccer folk are using "toughness" and physicality as points in your argument (these masculine attributes having some sort of appeal to you, apparently), you have no valid statement to back yourselves up. You've probably never played the sport you so defiantly defend, therefor it is difficult for you to make any sensical argument. Salary? Yes we Americans spend a lot of money on football players and baseball players. Excess does not equal 'better'. Soccer players are also payed an incredible amount of money to play. Check out the salary list at Manchester United sometime. Some of the top players are payed a buy fee of so many millions and then a salary of, say, 35000pound per game.
Also soccer goes almost all year around...because they can. Spring training? Give me a break. Only in football can you call 12 games a season.


Active Member
Originally Posted by DennyCrane
Rugby players everywhere are laughing at football players. Here's the simple truth. Football players are dumb as rocks. And while a lot of you anti soccer folk are using "toughness" and physicality as points in your argument (these masculine attributes having some sort of appeal to you, apparently), you have no valid statement to back yourselves up. You've probably never played the sport you so defiantly defend, therefor it is difficult for you to make any sensical argument. Salary? Yes we Americans spend a lot of money on football players and baseball players. Excess does not equal 'better'. Soccer players are also payed an incredible amount of money to play. Check out the salary list at Manchester United sometime. Some of the top players are payed a buy fee of so many millions and then a salary of, say, 35000pound per game.
Also soccer goes almost all year around...because they can. Spring training? Give me a break. Only in football can you call 12 games a season.
Rugby players are laughing at football players??? why would you say that...they are probably only laughing a Australian Rules Football Players... ya there is a ton of intelligence in rugby...everyone hug each other and throw a ball in the middle then send some D A into the middle to get it out... nice "try" to out wit us though...
what does sensical mean??? we stupid football backers dont know what vernacular you are using... do soccer and rugby players have their own vocabulary??? is a 17 week season and each team plays 16 games... then ofcourse the playoffs= 3 weeks and then The Ultimate Game the Super Bowl.. the sport is just to demanding and punishing to the human body to withstand any more than this...


American football generates more revenue in a year than any other professional sports venue in the world. This is NOT just my opinion, but soccer will never become a national favorite sport. Otherwise, WHy hasn't it already after being around for so long?


Originally Posted by nflnutswif
American football generates more revenue in a year than any other professional sports venue in the world. This is NOT just my opinion, but soccer will never become a national favorite sport. Otherwise, WHy hasn't it already after being around for so long?
This is true when the revenue considered includes the TV commercial exposure, hense the appeal football has generated. Look at it this way, the economics of both sports: soccer is driven by territorial loyalties very similar to college football (War Eagle). Look at the FA: 4 tiers of 'upper' level soccer played in England with all these little towns represented by their players: from Durham City to Chelsea. These clubs take money to run, but at the lowest level it is a "volunteer" type of organization. Mid to high level organizations have corporate sponsors and fund heavily the expenses. But soccer itself doesn't lend itself to promoting the sponsor corp, so the only thing you are going to see is the logo on the shirt. This keeps a "purity" to the sport.
American Football was created as a means to distinguish itself from its english ties and soccer as a result became almost anit-american in the very early days of the US. Like most sports, the rules of football evolved and once TV sports became a staple of culture football peeked. Blah, Blah,'s my point. Football became more about the products they can sell you during the endless timeouts (TV timeouts? - please) than it did the sport itself. Even though soccer surged in America several times, corporations will not back it because they can't get commercial time, and therefore networks are reluctant to run it because they could make more money on a sport condusive to selling commercial time. Hockey to a degree suffers the same fate. This is the reason baseball and football are the spend frenzy sports they are today.
If you've ever watched TV outside of the US, you'll notice a distinct minimalization of commercial time. This is one reason American Football hasn't passed muster in Europe. It is all about structure and FCC rules. These are the true reasons for the popularity of football in the US. Like I said, I love football (college level) for what it is. But to discredit soccer for its lack of popularity here in the US only points out your ignorance of history and rules governing broadcasting. THAT IS NOT A PUTDOWN! I have degrees in broadcasting, law (juris doctor), foreign studies (in law) and history so I am at an advantage on this, and I was once ignorant of these things.
That said, it is still more fun to just say my sport is better than yours.


Wow I am very impressed with your extreme rationale of the sport of soccer. However with all the logic you have posted the bottom line is, simply "my sport is better than yours.
US--$57.4 billion of $111.1 billion world wide--that's more than half in the US so most popular sport in the US vs. most popular sport for the rest of the world...
Europe/Middle East/Africa--$32.9 billion
Latin America--$3 billion
Nuff said!
By the way, I'm not a soccer hater and have also been the stereotypical "soccer MOM" I just prefer
american football .


Active Member
Originally Posted by ruaround
Rugby players are laughing at football players??? why would you say that...they are probably only laughing a Australian Rules Football Players... ya there is a ton of intelligence in rugby...everyone hug each other and throw a ball in the middle then send some D A into the middle to get it out... nice "try" to out wit us though...
what does sensical mean??? we stupid football backers dont know what vernacular you are using... do soccer and rugby players have their own vocabulary??? is a 17 week season and each team plays 16 games... then ofcourse the playoffs= 3 weeks and then The Ultimate Game the Super Bowl.. the sport is just to demanding and punishing to the human body to withstand any more than this...
no comment Denny??? well NFL just gave it straight up...
BTW... There are several USA Companies that sponsor Soccer... i.e. Master Card, American Express, a couple of cell phone companies (that have european ties), ohhh and a little Company called McDonalds...maybe you have head of them...(there are more but why waste my time listin over 50 major companies) so to say there is no sponsorship from American companies is not right at all...


Originally Posted by nflnutswif
So, what do you think about the new "Houston 1836" ?
I'm not much for soccer, but it's getting some publicity here!
Has anyone heard of the controversy regarding "Houston 1836"? Because the new professional soccer team here is grossly popular and supported by the hispanic community. They have a problem with the fact that the name has reference to Texas independence from Mexico. Therefore again bending to the will of the minority (squeeky wheels)in the name of being politically/socially correct, the name is being changed. Number one name being considered. . .(drum roll please) Toros!
Just another reason to have a displeasing taste in your mouth for SOCCER!
I'm done ranting now :cheer: