Soft coral?? Can't find it anywhere


New Member
I have been keeping a fish only tank for years (about 5) and recently picked up a few corals for a good price from the LFS. I have very good water quality and everything tests great with multiple brand test kits. One little mystery coral (anemone?) I can't seem to identify or find on the web. It was a dark purple/brown when I got it but I am afraid it is starting to bleach out/ die because of a color change. I have pictures attached. If you look at the second photo it appears that the zoo's and xenia that are on the same piece of live rock are doing excellent and the xenia have spread quickly. This piece of mystery coral pictured in the first photo does not appear to be doing as well in my eyes. It was a uniform solid color and is now getting the white/yellow parts to it. They are not new growth but old parts changing color. I have more than enough lighting I am pretty sure (175watt 14,000k MH and 12,000k & super blue 48inch VHO's as supplement). I have good calcium levels and drip kalkwasser. I add kent supplements weekly and daily. Everything else seems great. Coraline is growing well. Minimal hair algae(was a problem before but used phosgard, algaefix and a mangrove to solve phosphate problems which were taken care of before adding corals) I am not sure what is wrong. Please help!



Active Member
welcome to the boards! the first pic is actually a red algae and not a coral . was it sold to you as a coral?


New Member
nope.. it was just a hitch hiker... So i am guessing the maintenance dose of algaefix is killing it off? Oh well... Guessing its some type of bubble algae then that I don't want?? It is kinda cool looking. BTW how do the zoo's in that pic look? They appear to be healthy and their caps/tops have pulled closer to the rock then they were at the local LFS. I am guessing since I have so much light on them compared to the few VHO on them at the LFS. I have a few mushrooms too that have seemed to get darker and a little closer to the rock after putting in the tank from the same LFS. I will post a pick in the appropriate section on the forums and see what you guys think.