New Member
I visited my LFS today and spoke to a guy about my tank carbonate hardness (dKH) level. It is currently at 15 dKH - down from 19 after two 15% water changes. All other tank levels are fine (including the usual as well as copper and calcium). I believe that the hardness is so high because I added pH buffer when my pH was too low a few weeks ago. It didn't help my pH, so I did it again and again over the course of a couple weeks. (Turns out my pH test was out of calibration). Anyways, I believe this buffer caused my hardness to spike.
Since I don't currently have any inverts, my LFS reccommended using a water softener pillow to try to help bring down hardness. Then add desired chemicals such as calcium and iodine using a reef buffer soultion. Because the pillow package states it is for freshwater use, I am concerned if this is a safe course of action. Has anyone else tried this? Also, are there any preferred methods or brands to increase pH and not overly increase the dKH?