softie questions


hey guys i posted a similar thread about a month ago.
basically i set up a new 55 about 3 and a half months ago, and just put my softies in about a month ago. i have a pink and green mushroom rock, a purpleish polyp rock, a brownish mushroom rock and a brown zoo rock. none of the corals have opened up. i have a 48 in coralife 10,000k and actinic power compact flourescent. i am also using a 24 coralife 03actinic bulb as a moon light. i have tried moving the powerheads as instructed by my lfs to where they are not pointing directly at them and still, nothing . my parameters are as follows
i have tested it for copper, and phosfate and they are at 0.
i have some little hermit crabs in there righ now, and for chromis, and they are all doing fine.
no one else has been able to help me and this is really bugging me any assistance would be greatly appreciated.


Active Member
Your Sg is low but I dont think that would keep the polyps from opening.
Your SG should be 1.024 to 1.026
I am fairly new too but I found that sometimes moving them around in the tank helps. I have a mushroom rock that really didn't do all that great until I moved it to a lesser light position. When I purchased this piece it had huge mushrooms but in my tank they stayed very small. Moved it & now the one mushroom alone it probably a good 3" across.