Sohal Tang info



So I've come to the sad conclusion that I have to give away my Naso tang. I've had him for 2+ years, great fish, but as of late my Queen Angel has been bothering him a lot. So much that the poor tang now stays in one corner of the tank. That's no way for a tang to live, so I decided to give him to someone locally who has a big friendly tank.
But now I want to replace him with another tang, one that can put up with my queen angel and other agressive fish. I was thinking of a Sohal tang. Anyone have one? What are they like? I would get a smallish one 5" or so, then when it outgrows the tank, I'd trade him or sell him in. This would be in a 150gal.


sohal or achilles tang would be great, theres a sohal at my lfs and its in a tank with a fully grown trigger, 3 angelfish and a fully grown lion, the angelfish were all big aswell, atleast 10", aslong as the sohal will allow the queen to be dominant because if you want the tang to be more aggresive towards it then its where the problems start, but if the tang just lets the queen get on with it and stays out its way it'll be fine,
they are lovely fish, just abit pricey

crypt keeper

Active Member
The queen is the aggressor. The sohal wont back down. Personally you may have an issue. The queen picked on a weaker fish. The Sohal will stand its ground. Which could cause a battle.


The queen seems to not bother agressive fish though, like the clown trigger. She usually picks on the weaker ones. But I guess it's possible there'd be a fight... Are there any other tangs I can put in, instead of a Sohal?

crypt keeper

Active Member
Try it out. See what happens. Maybe a Powder Brown or Achilles. You know how ich prone they are though so qt qt qt LOL


Active Member
My Sohal is an incredible, beautiful fish. I've had to move him, and other fish around a bit before everyone got along. Your big problem, IMO & IME, is that both the Sohal and the Queen Angel usually insist on being the Alpha fish and there could be a real war if they can't sort it out quickly. A large Purple Tang may do well; they are beautiful and very hardy fish. BTW my Sohal dominates a 10" Clown Trigger. As long as his tankmates show them proper "respect"; most Sohals will usually leave similar sized fish alone---except for an occasional reminder of their superiority. Sometimes, though, a Sohal just doesn't like a certain fish and will torment it to death (literally).


I got a good lead on a Sohal, though it might be a little big, I'll have to see. Sounds like it's around 8" and the guy wants $90 for it. That price seems pretty good, I think. The reason this guy wants to get rid of it is because he tried to add a yellow tang and the sohal killed it.


Active Member
A sohal for $90? That's an insane deal.
A 150g tank is definitely on the smaller side for this fish, though it's not a deal-breaker either.
Just beware that the sohal is a powerful, aggressive tang. You will probably have a very difficult time introducing new fish (particularly medium or larger fish, especially tangs) once he gets his territory, whcih will be the whole tank.


Active Member
Towards the end of my 125g, my Blueface was getting increasing snippy with my Naso as well. Glad they're in separate tanks.
You'll probably have to play a bit of switch-a-roo, and I wouldn't exclude the idea of removing and introducing both the queen and sohal at the same time. I'd definitely have a QT/extra tank waiting for a fish (or if sump space allows). Sohals are gorgeous fish, but after seeing what they can do at Georgia Aquarium, I'll leave them be.
BTW, I can't believe it's taking this long for that golf guy that has a Sohal to post. Probably giving Gordie Howe lessons or something


Well, I picked up the Sohal a little earlier today and after acclimating it, I put it in the DT. I know the guy who had it, he has no ich or other deseases in the tank, QTs everything. He's had the sohal for about 3 years, everything was fine until he tried to put in a yellow tang. The sohal did a tail swipe and the yellow tang had a huge gash on his side, then died. That's what made him decide to sell it.
So I put him in and the Sohal made the tank his home pretty fast. In about 2 hours he's completely ignoring the queen angel and she's leaving the sohal alone. My sargassum trigger of all fish tried to go after the sohal but that didn't last long. The one fish that might be a problem is my large foxface, the sohal didn't like him very much, did a few chases, nothing more. Now the lights are off. I'll take a picture tomorrow.


Here he is... about 8+" if you count the streamers, but it's hard to say for sure since he doesn't stand still.


Don't mind the messy aquascaping. I had to take out a lot of the LR to get the Naso Tang out and I didn't have time to arrange them the way I want. I'll do that tomorrow when I do the water change.
You can see all the fish in this picture except the sargassum trigger, you can see part of him all the way on the left.


Active Member
nice. I love the queen.
whats that little fish with the black stripe and the blue at the end of its tail? i see it all the time at my lfs but i thought it would get picked on...obviously not haha


That's a cleaner wrasse and it's the one that picks on all the fish, even on the sohal. But they all let it clean them, sometimes they get annoyed though. They're supposed to be hard to keep in captivity but I've had mine for over a year and it's doing great.

crypt keeper

Active Member
My vte for one of trhe most gorgeous set ups. My qt just finished cycling. Took 3 weeks. What lights are you running?


Thanks. I have 14k metal halides, it's the Sunpod hanging pendant.


Active Member
I'm a little late to the discussion...He is a beauty, and hope he works out for you....I do fear that a 150 is a bit small for one, I think mine will outgrow my 240 eventually....He went from 3.5 inches to 7+ inches in about 14 months now. Be interesting to see what happens with the established Queen Angel, I have a feeling the Sohal will put him in his place in due time. Big Any Angel vs Big Sohal = Big mismatch in speed, agility, and knife in tail, all in favor of the Tang.
He is a beauty, and the tank looks great....They are amazing fish, enjoy.