Sohal Tang


New Member
I have a Sohal tang that is about 5-7 inches and I just recently added a niger trigger and an Auriga butterfly. The Sohal attacked both fish but did not attack either of the fish i added before these. I have a maroon clown and a snowflake eel also. Any suggestions? PLEASE HURRY BEFORE THE OTHER FISH DIE!!!


Active Member
Not really a surprise. Sohals are notoriously aggressive and fish added after them are likely to be picked on. You might try removing the sohal to another tank for a week or so until the others get settled in. Sometimes, rearranging th rock work can throw off the territories a bit and reduce some of the aggression. It may subside on it's own in a few days but it's a gamble.
What size tank is this?


Active Member
agreed witht he above statements.. sohals can be nasty and i have seen a sohal pick at a stingray before to the point that he almost removed his whole tail!


Active Member
As mentioned, sohals are nasty fish and should not really be trusted with anything, especially things that are more peaceful such as butterflies.


I agree also. I put mine in a 75 gal for 4 days, rearanged the rock and then added back in. This worked for a while. He was 6 inches at the time. I put him in a 225 gal. 6 foot long. He stopped picking on the other fish however he started killing soft coral. If I put a new one in or move one and he didnt like where it was at, he would move the coral or kill the coral. I just got rid of him. In 8 months he grew 4 inches to be 10 inches in lenght. Such a pretty fish but can be a pain in the rear.