saka bra
_I have a slight problem during feeding. i have a sohal tang that gets a little aggresive to my hippo tang during feeding. but it is only when the hippo tang goes to the sohals side of the tank, and just chases him out, but is not aggresive on the other side of the tank (maybe he is just deffending his territory
). but during tha rest of the day the aggresion is almost non existant. ive had the sohal for at least 3 months now, just wondering if he will get more aggresive. the sohal is about 4-5 inches and the hippo is about 6 inches and they are in a tank of 150 gallons right now, the hippo can fend off the sohal but im worried that if the sohal gets any bigger that might change. i am hoping that they can settle things out, but i know it is a sohal and that may not happen. ive decided that if it gets worse i will take back that sohal, but its such a beautiful fish. is there any thing i can do to settle the differences?
_why do some fish act more aggresive during feeding but not during the rest of the day?
_why do some fish act more aggresive during feeding but not during the rest of the day?