Some Advice please!


New Member
Hello. I am just setting up a 72g reef tank, and it will be my second. My first, which has been running over a year was a 13, so this is a big jump. Below are a list of fish of I had been thinking of putting in the tank, along w/ a few general questions. I appreciate all the feedback you can give me!
P. Clown (from previous tank)
Hippo Tang
Barlett Anthias
and one or more of the following-
Yellow goby
Bi-color Blenny
FireFish Goby
1.- what is your opinin of the fish combnation? What would you go with in terms of gobys and blennys?
2. What do you think about horsehoe crabs in this tank set up? I would like about 3.
3. I heard that blue leg hermits are not reef safe, is this true?
4. How many snails/hermits are too many for this size tank?
Thanks!: happyfish

bang guy

1 - The combination is fine. I have concerns about putting a Hippo Tang in a 4' tank though. Have you considered a Kole Tang?
2 - Horseshoe Crabs get to 24". They won't fit in your 72.
3 - All Hermits are Predators. Bluelegs do not eat coral but they will eat critters out of the sand bed. Scarlets will stay on the rocks but will eat critters out of the rock and make your live rock ineffective.
4 - I'm not a fan of Hermits. A couple for decoration would be OK. For snails a variety works best. Several of each; Cerith, Stomatella, Spotted Conch, Nerite, Nassarius, and one Fighting Conch.


This is the first time I have heard anything bad on scarlets. Wish I'd known that before I'd bought them. I specifically stayed away from the blue legs because of what I've read on the board.
Do you think 10 scarlets are going to give me much grief in a 37 gallon?