some advice please?


When should I introduce a cleanup crew? I just started my tank about a week ago. No fish yet. Waiting for the cycle. I wishit would happen!!! Really want to add some fish and stuff! Also, what should I add as my CC? Ia lready have a few bristle workms and a purple colored snail that came off my LR. Also, can I add my anamones now or do I wait until I add my fish?
I also see something that looks like an anemone that clownfish are seen on. But it is really small. about 1/4 inch in diameter. Could this be a small anemone that came with my LR? Hopefully!!! If so, how quickly will it grow, and do I need to do anything special for it?
Thanks for any help!!!!

bang guy

Patience is the key to this hobby. Most of the shortcuts I've heard about have failed.
What do you mean by "Also, what should I add as my CC?" I don't understand this question.
I suggest you wait until you have a couple of successful years of reef keeping before attempting an Anemone. They are not easy animals to care for.