Some Advice


New Member
its not really "how many fish" as it is "how many inches"
your tank is kinda small for a saltwater, but that doesnt mean you cant have a blast with it. If i were you, id prolly go for just a pair of perc clowns, with a few nice hunks of live rock. Clowns are playful and fun.
If you do go for a pair of clowns, try and get em so that one is a bigger fatter one, and on is skinnier.
IMO cant go wrong with some small clowns.
[ April 24, 2001: Message edited by: lytic ]


you can get more fish than just 2 clowns. with a 29 you could probably put in 8-10 inches worth of fish. that would add up to about 3 fish, depending on their size. also as you get more experienced you can go a little more, say up to 12 inches. id recommend a blennie, a goby, and a clown if you want one. there are some dwarf angels which can go in a 29. you could get one of those instead of the clown.


New Member
yeah, a lot depends on the type of filtration that you plan on using. 3 smaller fish wouldnt be too bad, i guess. I always like to play it on the safer side though.
If you can get a hardy one, with the right lighting, a pair of clowns and an anemone can be very attractive in my humble opinion.
If i were to have a 29 gallon, thats exactly what i would do.


Nofear and goldfish...I grew up in Mason and Dad lives in Fairfield still. Went to Kings Island and saw the Brady Bunch. Showing my age, Huh?


You are showing your age!! I live in Blue Ash and have a great "fish guy" as I call him. Was going to let Nofear know of him if he is interested in hooking up with him. He's very knowledgable and never steers me the wrong way.


cool. Let me know if you would like the name and place of the guy I use for all my fish stuff. He is really good and very knowledgable.


New Member
Yea sure I would liek to have his name..I need to find a good lfs that will have a gurantee on there marine fish or something..


Well, this guy does not guarantee anything except that they will be alive when you take them out the door!! He won't give you any money back especially if there is something wrong with your water etc. He has cut me a deal many times when it has nothing to do on my end if that makes sense. He owns a place out on Colerain Ave. called "wetpets." His name is Nick and he's kind of a crusty old guy, but he really knows his stuff. I bought my tank and complete setup from him, and I only buy my fish from him as well. I can give you my email if you would like anymore information.


New Member
yea if u don't mind i'd like to have ur e-mail..I'll check him out are the prices reasonable..I'm goin up to pet ********* this weekend to buy some stuff..


His prices are ok--he has some really big fish which many places do not tend to have. There is also another place very close to his called Aquatics and Exotics but I have not been in there. He says it is pretty reputable as well. Let me know what you think!!


Hey I have been going to wetpets for years. The guy is great. (Though he did sell me a seaclone :mad: )
I like the tank he has in the frount with the big clam in it.
Say I think all of us Cinci people should meet their this weekend to talk. What do ya think?
Oh as for the store down the street from them. IMO i will never buy anything from them. They try to talk down every one else and charge way to much. $150 for a small brain coral.
[ April 26, 2001: Message edited by: TheSpook ]


Hey spook--what part of cinci are you in?
Gotta love Nick--he's a bit crabby, but he's been very good to me. I only have a 75g FO tank, but it's been very easy to handle with Nick's help. I was just there last week buying a new sailfin tang, so I've had my Nick quota for the week!!


I live in stinky old clifton. Now I do not go to UC.
I was their last weekend getting a clam and some LR
I also go to a place on 22/3 out by harpers point were the twister from a few years ago took every thing out. They are a fish only store and I have had good luck with fish from their.
i have a 75gal reef.


I was just in "all about fish" yesterday--how funny. I was there to buy a feeding stick for my eel. They are pretty knowledgable there as well...
I take it you don't like clifton??
Do you guys (from cincy) ever go to Monfort Heights on colrain ave.? Great corals good staff and a tank with a thirteen year old (10 or 13)elegance and bubble anemone.
[ April 26, 2001: Message edited by: slowest is fastest ]


slowest--I have been there before, but it's not my favorite place. Are you in cinti too? It's really neat to find so many ppl here who are into this hobby!!