Some advice?


I have a new aquired Purple tang, about 10 days old, finally starting to eat but now he has a bit of ich, not infecting any of my other tangs yet or my other fish. Its a 180 reef, so now I have to figure out how to treat him, I dont have a sick tank set up so I have to think of another way. I raised the temp up a bit and feeding garlic soaked food, hopefully he'll fight it off.....


Staff member
Not much else you can do but feed the fish garlic. Unforturnately, this is not a very viable solution.

bang guy

Beth would know better for sure but I've found that if you offer a premium diet like Nori, Mysis Shrimp, Scallops, etc then Tangs can quickly overcome Ick on their own provided they are not being stressed by tank mates.
This brings up another potential problem. You mentioned "any of my other tangs" and you you have a 180 gal tank. How many other Tangs do you have? Are any of them Zebrasoma sp. also? This could be the root cause of the Ick if any of the other Tangs are picking on the new kid.


I have 3 tangs, Vlegemi Tang, Mimic Tang, and a Purple Tang. They are all quite small and have alot of room to swim, they all seem to get along fine. I will continue to feed them nori and other assorted foods with garlic. Thanks!


Staff member
Yes, a healthy fish may "overcome", or, more like be able to live with ich, however, your tank has ick and will continue to have it unless adequately treated.