Some Candy.....(watch out for razor-blades)


Hey Ry, did you or are you taking classes about picture taking, and if so what classes. I would love to learn to take pictures like that, and being Air Force, I have free school that Im not doing anything with.


Active Member
Debbers ~ Not sure what type of Zoos those are but, I do know that they didn't look quite that nice under the Metal Halides at the LFS. I like the glow of my VHO much better. :)
Magic ~ I am not taking any photo courses but, I do teach four of them. ;) That is awesome that you have free classes. I wish I had an opportunity like that. I would go for it for sure. Good luck.


Hey Benj we'll see if we can't help Rye with his bragging just a little.
Rye - My site has 288 Gig. :D
Great pics btw!!!


you teach 4 of them? well what do you think I should look at taking, I have no idea what to take.