some concern


I have some concern over the operation of my protein skimmer. The tank will have been up and running 1 week as of today. I used RO water and instant ocean. I let the tank run approx 5 days checking for leaks establishing SG etc etc. Saturday I added 150lbs of southdown sand obviously the water is cloudy but is getting better. Parameters of the tank is as follows. as of 0815 hrs this am
92 gallon aga
Temp 80.1
SG 1.025
Alk 1.5 its low I know i dosed with 10 ml of Kent buffer this am
Calcium 605mg/ml
Phosphates 0.2
Nitrates 0.0 really no cycling yet
Ph 8.3
My question is when I run my protein skimmer the cup seems to fill up in 5 minutes. I have adjusted the return tube to no avail. The foam and water in the cup is clear. My LFS told me that the protein skimmer will not really work right now as their really is no livestock or nothing to skim because the water is not dense enough. Should i even be running it now. I plan on getting 150 lbs live rock next week when my sand storm clears and I can see to aquascape. Also can somebody tell me if my water parameters are okay? Sorry to keep bothering you guys but this is my first set up and I am being patient with everything and want to do things right. Any help is greatly appreciated.


I would turn off the skimmer until after you have added your livestock. IMO, SG is slightly high (you will get different opinions on SG depending on if you are fish only or full reef). I keep mine around 1.023 - 1.024. I don't think you said what type of tank you will be keeping. You can start your cycle with a piece of shrimp even though the water still hasn't settled.


Active Member
What type of skimmer is it? Most skimmers take a week or two to break in. It also sounds like you may have it turned up to high. I would also agree with tlk,turn the skimmer off until after the cycle.

tony detroit

Active Member
If you just started the tank, don't skim. Wait a good two months before you start skimming, you'll just prolong the cycle.


Well-Known Member
remove the skimmer and see how the tank does without it. You can always turn it back on if you need too.
p.s. I also hope you have some source of circulation.


I have a 400 gph pump in the sump. I also have 2 420 gph powerheads which are turned off right now till the sand storm settles.