some cool pics of my tank


Active Member
i really cant remember the settings, i change them every time i take pics.
i acutally used my brothers canon a40 for these shots.
see ya


Amazing how much it reminds me of my 30gal. Same spacing and everything. I'll get some current pics up soon. And just think of how many "professionals" say anything under a 55gal is undoable.


Active Member
Very nice tank for sure. Good job and keep up the good work. Maybe some day I will be up there with my 29. :)


Active Member
dan i love your tank. i could look at pics of it all friggin day. it is very fantastic. love teh blastomussa, one of my fav corals, the lfs i work at has one that not doing so well. im thinking of getting it and tryign to brign it back, but im worried. these guys are pretty fragile
very nice though!
good luck