some good food for a yellow tang?


I've had my yellow tang now for a couple months, and lately its color has been fading. Its diet consists of spirula, seaweed select, and frozen brine. The brine's not for him, but he eats it like crazy. He also pigs out on the seaweed select and spirula. What's a good food to help out the coloring of it, that's easy to find at a lfs? I don't want to have to order anything, but my lfs' don't carry a lot of variety.


I use the brine because I have a mandarin that eats that along with the copods. I don't want to switch that. I'd prefer not to use any more frozen foods either. I feel like a waiter with these fish. I'd like to keep the variety as low as possible. So what's the best thing to soak food in? I know what zoe is, but what's selcon?


Active Member
Actually. Tnags lose their super D duper brightness with age. They will turn a sort of pastelish color wen they are older, others will stay bright, it all depends. But plenty of veggies and even frozen mysid shrimp would do it some good. BUH BYE


I agree 100% on feeding a variety of foods. Also, you may try soaking the food in a few drops of vitamin for fish, i personally use kent zoe marine vitamins. I normally soak the food in a few drops of zoe, and a small amount of water. works well for me, and the color and health of my fish.