Maybe something like encrusting gorgonian? It looks sort of like a thick layer of Coraline when it's withdrawn.
Originally Posted by BTLDreefhttp:///forum/thread/380392/some-id-please-some-sort-of-aptasia-maybe#post_3310637
That's probably what it is. My guess was that it was a dead/dying coral that was attached to the LR.
Originally Posted by renogawhttp:///forum/thread/380392/some-id-please-some-sort-of-aptasia-maybe#post_3317219
no, it's not aiptasia. its those pseudoc...... clear corals that i can never remember the name of until someone says what it is.
The shape of the tentacles (not having bulbs on the tips) leads me to believe it's a bleached aiptasia. If he'd answer if it has a hard base or not that would definitively tell us which it was.
Originally Posted by spankohttp:///forum/thread/380392/some-id-please-some-sort-of-aptasia-maybe#post_3317225
You're thinking of Pseudocorynactis sp. Ren. To the OP, does #2 have a hard skeleton on the bottom under the tentacles?
that's it. i can never remember that darn word, plus it's not easy to search pseudoc cause it comes up fish heh