Some more new pics!!


Active Member
No prob blemmy. I have gotten it all done and thomas is checking it out now and I think its gonna be posted soon. But I will still let ya have some credit for at least trying and doing all that other stuff.


Snipe, I started to amend a few things last night and almost shot you an email about it but was falling asleep at the computer so I just gave up. Will try tonight or Sunday to talk about it.


Active Member
cool! What kind of trigger is that? I'm thinking about getting a trigger but one that is nice (wont eat my starfish or pick at my lion)


Active Member
Originally Posted by Cartman101
cool! What kind of trigger is that? I'm thinking about getting a trigger but one that is nice (wont eat my starfish or pick at my lion)
Niger right?


Active Member
Yep its a Niger, There pretty cool, but read about them first, there hard on some things in your tank. And it might pick on your Lion fotr sure .Goodluck


Active Member
I agree be carefull with triggers.
No worries thomas. If ya need help you got my email.
I was gone all weekend that has been why I havent posted. Right now im about to fall asleep lol. Gonna head to bed.
Sorry to steel your post blemmy.


Active Member
(we planned it on purpose lol).
I posted it in the clownfish an anemone place and we can edit it as needed.