No prob blemmy. I have gotten it all done and thomas is checking it out now and I think its gonna be posted soon. But I will still let ya have some credit for at least trying and doing all that other stuff.
Snipe, I started to amend a few things last night and almost shot you an email about it but was falling asleep at the computer so I just gave up. Will try tonight or Sunday to talk about it.
Originally Posted by Cartman101
cool! What kind of trigger is that? I'm thinking about getting a trigger but one that is nice (wont eat my starfish or pick at my lion)
Niger right?
Yep its a Niger, There pretty cool, but read about them first, there hard on some things in your tank. And it might pick on your Lion fotr sure .Goodluck
I agree be carefull with triggers.
No worries thomas. If ya need help you got my email.
I was gone all weekend that has been why I havent posted. Right now im about to fall asleep lol. Gonna head to bed.
Sorry to steel your post blemmy.