Some more questions


Active Member
Okay I think I have my basic Idea of how I am going to set my 75 aggresive up. I do have a few more questions:
1. Do any of you use UV sterilizers on your Aggressives, I am concerned about Algae growth without any type of cleanup crew. How do you keep algae growth to a minimum in an Aggresive tank.
2. My stocking list is:
Valentini puffer
Flame hawkfish
Bi colored Angel
I would also like to get a humuhumu trigger, I plan to get a small one, and we are planning to upgrade to a 200+gal aggressive in a couple of years (in fact this is the trial aggresive tank for that) . Do you think that would be fine. Most of the reading I have done says their minimum tank size is a 55.


That's a really low bioload for that size of a tank if you ask me. I think with light feeding and minimal lighting you'll be fine as far as algae goes. I don't have a UV but I've been thinking about it.


Active Member
I would absolutely recommend a UV sterilizer for an aggressive tank. I think it would be money well spent.
And I agree with gasguzzler that is an extremely low bio-load for an aggressive tank. I would recommend adding a wrasse of some kind as well. They are really cool fish and fun to watch dart all over the tank. The Humu Trigger should be fine for awhile in a 75 gallon, but I would probably add it last since they can get nasty sometimes.


Active Member
LOL- the low bioload is from reef tank keeper side of me!
Yes- I have been looking at some of the wrasses also, and maybe a SFE (just not sure if I want to deal with the eel proofing stuff).
Thanks for the advise, UV is added to the list!


Do any of you use UV sterilizers on your Aggressives,
I use them on all of my aggressive tanks... As Cincy said, money well spent...


Gasguzzler? :confused:
My tusk is a great fish. Mellow, active and has really nice colors. Hasn't shown any aggression to my other guys. My favorite wrasse.


Active Member
Ooops... sorry innsmouth. Guess thats what I get for posting after "a couple" drinks.
Birdy- I have always had great luck with the double helix UV sterilizers with a penguin 550 powerhead. I know alot of people that also like the lifeguard sterilizers as well. I think Tony Detroit uses one, maybe he will chime in.

tony detroit

Active Member

Originally posted by cincyreefer
Ooops... sorry innsmouth. Guess thats what I get for posting after "a couple" drinks.

I find Rum and Coke particularly useful for message board browsing.

Howdy cincy

tony detroit

Active Member
There are a few ways to look at running a UV, but the pros in my opinion definitely outweigh the cons. Anybody that uses one usually says nothing bad about them. I run a CSL double helix. In my opinion, basically a fully stocked 180gal aquarium you're looking at around 4K ballpark, right? 200 bucks on a UV sterilizer is not a big deal. The key is extra long contact time, the more the better. I run half of what the instructions say. The longer the dwell time the more effective the light is.


To keep pest algae down in my aggressive i keep my phosphates, silicates, and nitrates low. I dont run my lighting very long maybe 8 hours a day. A small humu humu will do fine in a 75 for a while. The thing i have noticed with the humu's i have owned in the past is they are probably the most active fish i have ever owned. My current one, (roughly 5") loves to just swim the length of the tank back and fourth. I suggest getting the long tank because they love to swim and are always on the move.