some new bad pictures




edit; sry bout caps


Active Member
Thanks guys, things are going ok but its time for me to slow down. I've got just about every bad algae in the book growing in this sucker. The numbers are good but we all know that means squat in a tank less then 12 months old (except for Bob's tank)
The light bulb problem along with the chiller problem kind of set things back, not to mention ticked me off.
Out of the 30-40 corals I put in storage I got back about 10. Out of the 30-40, 15-20 were what I think of as great corals that not too many people had. I have maybe 3 of those.


Active Member
How long did you wait before adding corals back into the new system. My new setup is about 2 weeks old and I am not sure yet how long I am going to wait to start adding stuff back in?


Active Member

Originally posted by attml
How long did you wait before adding corals back into the new system. My new setup is about 2 weeks old and I am not sure yet how long I am going to wait to start adding stuff back in?

This is a case of "do as I say not as I do" I've been in the hobby a long time and should know better, I felt I need to get what was left of my corals out of the tank they were in. My tank had been running about 2 months before I put the corals in.. IMO, thats about 4 months too early....I'm paying for it now.

nm reef

Active Member
I don't have many SPS types but I've been able to return all of my corals within 3 months...pushing it I know...but everything has made the transition just fine. First I made sure the SG/temp/PH/calcium/alkalinity was fairly stable then started returning corals/snails/shrimp/crabs and last fish. No major algaes and everything is settleing in just far.


Active Member
That is where I am right now. I know that I should wait 2-4 months but I am having problems keeping my levels right in my frag tank after subtracting my 55 from that system. The frag tank is way over croweded too and I have already lost my Blue Echinata and a couple of other prized acros due to them getting knocked over into other corals. My Oregon tort is showing some recession as well. I am going to try to live through it and hope that the rest of my good stuff can hang on!! Also, I wanted to say that I really liked your Chevron - Very nice colors!!
Glad to hear all of your stuff is doing well!!!


Active Member

Originally posted by broomer5
looking good Mark
keep posting pics as things move forward !

Brommer, good to hear from ya. How the hec are ya?
Originally posted by attml

I know that I should wait 2-4 months but I am having problems keeping my levels right in my frag tank after subtracting my 55 from that system.

Its more like 6-12 months... I don't know what to tell you other then to wait. In my case I had nothing to loose (a few people here know the reasons)
Whats your tank change all about? My current tank is a full blown new system. My old 150 did good after just 8 weeks (100 pounds of new rock and 300 pounds of Southdown) After letting the tank run for 8 weeks I transfered 100 pounds of very live rock and 150 pounds of very LS from my well established 55.