I forgot about this guy right here, I believe it had RTN a few weeks back but is starting to recover nicely. If you notice the brownish/blackish spot on it where the tissue died off.
Also my newest piece i just got today, my GSP rock. Its just starting to open. I will post again when its polyps are all out and fully extended
you all may think this is a funny question but...when you buy a frag or plug how doe everyone hide it so well???....i hate the way mine looks they dont really look natural
u see, it does look natural to everyone else, cause theyve never seen ur tank, but move rockwork aside, and pinch the top of the plug with the coral sticking out in between ur rocks.
how do you pinch the top of the plug off??? without hurting the coral...i have a two xenia on a flat plug and it is hard to find a place it doesnt just stick out like a sore thumb
the toadstool didnt come on a plug so all i had to do with it was put it between some rocks but you can tell my xenia on the upper left are on a flat plug....my bubble coral is just chillin and there are some star polyps that will just have to spread off the plug cuz there is no way around that...i really want to make the xenia look better
how do you get such nice, clear, fresh looking pictures and stay with the 500x500 rules of uploading. by the time i adjust the size of all my photos, it looks like a 2 year old took the shot. everybody knows the trick, and i've stewed over it for months now......come on, i want to be in the cool kid group, please.......i'll be your best friend.
hey jr thomas, open up ur rock, meaning Pull the are a of ur structure apart where u want the coral, and slip the plug in, or u just leave it, and the plug will eventually be covered,. i go with the latter, less hassl;e
one of the guys at a semi local fish store told me that he just pulls his xenias off the plugs and siad the are pretty resilent...has anyone tried that with those??? because that was my plan to just leave them on there and let them get covered