Some new frags


Originally Posted by Schadiest1
here's a few new frags I just got....
button polyps
Green Tree Coral
Toadstool Frag
Devils Hand (not opened up yet)
If you would like I will baby sit the coral for you in the second pic until you get MH lighting! :notsure:
Very nice frags BTW!


Active Member
The last pic are green palythoas I believe, the person I got them from calls them large green zoos. I'll get another pic as they acclimate and get fully opened up.
Jamnman- the coral in the 2nd pic is a green tree coral, it's a softie, no need for MH lighting on that one.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Jamnman
If you would like I will baby sit the coral for you in the second pic until you get MH lighting! :notsure:
Very nice frags BTW!

i thought it was an sps too :notsure:


Active Member
ohhh i see how.... the filgers jsut arent out right? cause its new? the color does make it look like an sps though.


Active Member
update on the green tree coral... looks more like a softie now, it's fully opened in this picture. Also some nice zoos sittin next to it.


Active Member
thanks for the compliments everyone!
vi3tb0i, some are under 260w pc, and some are under 130w pc. pics are from 2 seperate tanks that i have running now.