Some New pics from my 70 gal.!


Active Member
heres a few more, the 1st one is of a snail with out his shell, it lives in my QT tank!! Kinda Freaky lookin isnt it!!



Active Member
Thanx Pit Bull!!! I appreciate that!! I was up im Michigan about a month ago. Near Lansing. Spent a week up there with my wifes family. It was really nice up there! Lots of Corn!!


Active Member
Yeah, there's corn fricken everywhere around here right now. PLEASE tell me that you went to an apple orchard and got some REAL, fresh apple cider that Michigan is FAMOUS for!!!!!! I love Michigan, the winters suck after January, but so what-I love it!!
By the way, it's too bad the trees are turning color late this year, it is quite a sight when all of the trees are yellow, orange, and red with no green.


Active Member
No we didnt get any apples, but we did get some Blue Berries that were awesome!! . When we left we went down through Chicago, stopped off at that Little lake there!!
But it was a great trip! We will probly go back next yr again! Ill get some apple cider then.