Some new pics of my 12g aquapod


Active Member
wow, that's very nice! i hope my 12 gallon gets there, and i'm itching to go larger...


Active Member
Originally Posted by m0nk
wow, that's very nice! i hope my 12 gallon gets there, and i'm itching to go larger...
Lol your trying to get to my tank and im trying to get to others on this site.
Also any ideas on what corals i could add to make my tank look better? I have mostly zoas, a 3 stalk frogspawn, zenas, and a kenya tree.
What else could i add with 64 watts over 12 gallons?


Active Member
New shrooms ...
There are yellow/red fetherdusters in this shroom rock but i scared them away... Ill try to get a pic of them when they come back out they look amazing.



Originally Posted by mark_D
and that is beautiful xenia!! you wouldnt happen to be in or close to San Antonio TX now would you? >__>
Dood, I live in the 210. What lfs do you go to? I usually stick with aquarium designs but Im trying to find another place with nice corals. Frags if possible. Let me know man. (many apologies to yerboy and his totally sweet tank for the thread jack. If only I could PM... )


sweet feather dusters. I may look in to those. what kind of feather dusters are those? I saw you said yellow/red in a previous post but is that the technical name?........


must be nice. those are still sweet though and Im definately going to keep an eye out for them. whats that blue thing on your sand? almost looks like a snake.


Active Member
Originally Posted by rad
must be nice. those are still sweet though and Im definately going to keep an eye out for them. whats that blue thing on your sand? almost looks like a snake.
Its a Ultra Max Blue clam


Active Member
Originally Posted by rad
wheres the shell?

i ate it!!!
No just kidding.. That clam is so small that when he fully opens up he folds out and over the sides of the shell, and from the angle i took the picture from you can see its shell. Its only about 1.5" long. If you look at i think the 4th pick you will see some green stuff around him.. Thats hair algae he had on his shell a few weeks ago.


Active Member
Very nice tank indeed. I love the pic of your maroon with the shrimps on either side.......

How is your clown doing in this tank and is it the only fish in there??
The reason I ask is I just took down my 25 gal salt and went back to the 10 gal salt.
I took my coral beauty, yellowtail damsel and 4 stripe damsel to the LFS yesterday. I kept the maroon as this is my buddy. I also have a coral banded shrimp with him and a very large blue leg hermit crab.
Stuff here where I live in Canada is just so expensive that I could not make my 25 gal look nice without spending $$$$. Hubby would not approve.
Plus my freshwater Discus and company really needed a bigger tank and they look amazing in the 25 gal now. So all is happy I hope.
In a few days I will post some pics of the 10 gal. Still a bit merky from the move yesterday. It took me 6 hrs non stop to do the swap of these 2 tanks and many buckets of water later up and down the steps. I am sore and tired today.
Thanks for the beautiful pictures..... ***)


Active Member
Originally Posted by Debbie
Very nice tank indeed. I love the pic of your maroon with the shrimps on either side.......

How is your clown doing in this tank and is it the only fish in there??
The reason I ask is I just took down my 25 gal salt and went back to the 10 gal salt.
I took my coral beauty, yellowtail damsel and 4 stripe damsel to the LFS yesterday. I kept the maroon as this is my buddy. I also have a coral banded shrimp with him and a very large blue leg hermit crab.
Stuff here where I live in Canada is just so expensive that I could not make my 25 gal look nice without spending $$$$. Hubby would not approve.
Plus my freshwater Discus and company really needed a bigger tank and they look amazing in the 25 gal now. So all is happy I hope.
In a few days I will post some pics of the 10 gal. Still a bit merky from the move yesterday. It took me 6 hrs non stop to do the swap of these 2 tanks and many buckets of water later up and down the steps. I am sore and tired today.
Thanks for the beautiful pictures..... ***)
The clown is doing fine, i also have a Lawnmower blenny in the tank that i have been tring to catch for a week or so now.. I put him in to eat my hair algae and now that its gone i want to move him to my 55 gallon to clean it out as well..


Active Member
What is your secret to great feather dusters?? I have not been successful with them in the past.
I see you have a bubble tip anemone. How is it doing?? Looks great!!!
I would love to get a bubble tip for my maroon, I have 4 watts per gal on my tank but I don't know if that would be enough???
What color of bubble tip is that??


Active Member
Originally Posted by Debbie
What is your secret to great feather dusters?? I have not been successful with them in the past.
I see you have a bubble tip anemone. How is it doing?? Looks great!!!
I would love to get a bubble tip for my maroon, I have 4 watts per gal on my tank but I don't know if that would be enough???
What color of bubble tip is that??
I dont know any secrets to keeping feather dusters but i do add Phyto-Feast and GP 5 - 50 Micron Reef & Larval Diet once or twice a week to my water.
Im not really sure what color its suppose to be, each tip has a pink dot on it. I got it from this site here
It had more color when i first received it but after a few days its most favorite place in the tank was out of direct light, so i had to move some rocks around so that it could stretch out and soak up some rays.
My tank has 5.3 watts per gallon over it 64watts/12 gallons.
I have a 70watt Mh over a 5.5 gallon and my 12gallon looks much much brighter. I think it depends more on how far away the lights are rather then how many watts per gallon you have.