Some new Pics - Shall we call it a 6-pack?


Active Member
Alright rye im dissapointed the tank sucks and i thought you would do alot better
:p J/k rye looks great as always i just wish i could take pics as good as you and i will continue to envy you


Active Member

Originally posted by Ty_05_f
Simply awsome! Is that the 29 or 120g?? I'm guessing the 120.:happyfish

Thanks. :) That's the 120g.


Active Member

Originally posted by logan15
what fish are in it rye?

1 Small Yellow Tang
1 Small Hippo Tang
1 Medium Bristletooth Tang
5 Green Chromis
1 Yellow Watchman Goby
2 Black Clown Gobies
1 Blue Fin Damsel


Active Member

Originally posted by SaltyNewbie
pretty fish.. are they blue when they are juvies?

Not that I know of........I've had him for over a year now and he was just over 2 inches when I got him........same exact coloration as when I brought him home.


Active Member
Thank you all for the kind's really nice to finally have the tank to the point where I can post full tank shots with confidence.
There's still plenty of room for growth and some new corals but, we will let time take it's course and see what evolves.