Some new pics....

jonny bolt

Well, since my Fuzzy Dwarf Lion died a few weeks ago, I decided to redo some rockwork as I did not like the way it looked before. I have mostly Tonga Branch and some Vanuatu. When I move up to a 72g bowfront, I will be adding 45 pounds Fiji LR. Just trying to my best with what I have now lol

Had to replace an actinic bulb that was acting up. I also ordered another Lion, I will be going with a Dwarf Zebra this time. I will probably have name for him the day he comes home HAHAHA, and I will post some pics of him ASAP.

jonny bolt

Nice. Cool Triggah. Is that a Maroon Clown I see??!!!??? :jumping:
Tha yellow and cream colored thing is some sort of sponge lol
Man, I gotta go down to tha bait shop and get some mussels or Puffah is really startin to flex-up. I think he is pissed off bout sumthin.
I need a wide-angle lens lol

jonny bolt

Me Puff in action (gave him a Steamer for din-din)....

His belly is nice N plump...

Ordered a Dwarf Zebra Lionfish the other day. Supposedly came in today. Went down to the LFS, look in the tank and its a Fuzzy Dwarf instead. I told them I already had a Fuzzy Dwarf that died recently, and I told them to order the right fish or else its gonna be free


Active Member
IT DIED OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!
that was like your favorite fish right. i know you really love fish putting names and doing all that cool stuff. i love the tank.

jonny bolt

HAHA. I like them all. But yeah, Rubble was my bud. I am still mad at him for going on hunger strike and committing suicide LMAO, cuz I spent alot of time teaching him how to attack krill and stuff. He was like an Attack Lion lol.
Now I cant get that little Fuzzy Dwarf out of my head, hanging upside down in the tank at the LFS. I am seriously thinking about just going back down there and saving him.
Here's Bailey Kane the Decorated Goby...

When I find my Death Puffer I got for Christmas, I will take a pic of it and post it HAHAHAHAA


Active Member
i regrett a lot of stuff too. in 3rd grade our class got those feeder goldfish from a project and i found like a bowl and put some NEW tap water in there and put the fish in. it died a month later. i've been raising fish since i was born. (Actually parents befor i was old enough) they said i would reach in the tank and chase the fish

jonny bolt

Cool dood. Can I borrow that? lol
Well I ended up going down ta Pet City and getting the little Fuzzy Dwarf that came in. They were surprised to see me back. I told them I felt bad cuz I ordered it, but even though they ordered the wrong one I was willing to give it a home if they threw in some ghost shrimp for me lol. They did. I also threw one in while I was there to see if it would eat, and sure as hell it proved to be a healthy Dwarf. It stalked the ghost shrimp for awhile then gulped him up. I will get some pics of it ASAP. I think I am going to name him Bubby. But you can just call him Bub LOL.
I told them to continue the order for the Dwarf Zebra, I will just get both :jumping: :joy:

jonny bolt

Well, here's Bub. I am having some trouble getting a good pic cuz he keeps moving and wont sit still lol. Atleast he came out of hiding so soon....
