Just messin around some new stuff I got this weekend and some older stuff. Here is a pic of my big ole elephant ear its from bottom to halfway up the side of my 55
I have a mushroom like the last one and have been trying to identify it. I had some hairys before and the tentacles looked totally different. Are there different kinds of hairys?
I am just guessing that it is a hairy.
Hey Mike I got the frag form aquaralese. Maybe it will take off and I can swap some stuff with you. How's the hair algae going? If you want email me and I will tell you how I conquered mine, it would make a long post.
beleive it or not its going away all the little critters are just chowing down day and night I pulled a lot out and they are doing the rest. but I woke up to a bad case of cyno this morning LOL
I got my xenia from there also it was spreading really good for a while then quit and starting growing the individual stlks larger they are about 1/2 inche in diameter now but only 3 clumps of it. but I figure it wont be long and it really get spreading again LOL
but that clean up crew I will probably have a lot to trade off I got 120 turbos along with many other little critters. needless to say I dont need 120 turbos LOL
hey ive even got some neat little anemone you can have ;-Þ
the turbos are even eating the hair algae so when its all under control I will let you know. I cant stand 30- 40 snails on the front glass all day everyday LOL
here is a pic of the kewl little anemone's
hey rabid you dont want none of these guys LOL
that one is a manjano anemone not as bad as apistia but close.
I got 4 of them Now one split last night. sucks time to pull out the kalk for em...LOL