Some new random shots


I bought a few new pieces so i thought i would share some of the new as well as old.

New Alveopora. These are actually green. Not a very good representation.

I got these zo's a couple of days ago. They seem to be doing pretty well

New Hammer

This cap is old but doing really well.


noah's nemo

Just curious,what are your dims on the 220?Currently i have a 75,want more length,so i got a 125(just sitting empty).You said you moved from a 125,so how much room did you gain?Thanks..Your camera must be pretty good too....Pics are very sharp!


The dimensions are 72x24x30. ITs a big tank to manuever. It about killed my friend and i while we moved it in. ha ha. The camera is just a Nikon d40 with the kit lens.


Originally Posted by tasker101
Your tank is great. What do you use for putting rock together? You drilled and then what????

Sorry the response took so long i was on a cruise. What I did was piece some pvc together to form a base that i liked. (approx 5 ft. wide) At the spots that i wanted them to go up I turned the pvc 90 degrees to face up and capped it. I then drilled a hole in the cap and put a fiberglass drive way marker in the pvc. I just stacked the rock from there.