Some of my old tanks


Well-Known Member
I feel like all I do is talk and I don't show anyone anything that I have done to gain credibility... so here are a few photos of my old tanks. I'm going to post them individually so you can get an idea of each tank. Enjoy.


Well-Known Member

This is a pic of my 90g show tank, two weeks after I started it. ~01/06

Another pic of my 90g show tank, about 9 months later... 10/06
The only filtration this tank had was some chaeto running in the refugium and some filter floss that was changed out intermittently. I had a Mag Drive 9.5 return pump and a rio 900 behind the rock and a Koralia 2 or 3,... I can't remember,... in the right corner. I did water changes once every four to six months. Four foot T5 lighting, 8x54watt unit, no individual reflectors.
I wish I had a pic of it when it was two years old. My old computer crashed and I lost a bunch of photos. Coralline algae was growing everywhere, all the rocks had turned purple... it was awesome. :( It sprung a leak in early 2008, and I had to move some corals to other tanks. It was never the same. I never resealed the tank - don't know what happened to it.


Well-Known Member
Ah, now I remember - I had a Maxijet 1200 with a Hydor oscillator on it in the right corner. Man was that thing awesome. lol


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Protopalythoa with a maze brain in the background and some encrusting orange montipora

That was a really big mushroom anemone. I enjoyed the bright purple mushrooms in the left corner. Yes, that is a tube anemone on the sandbed. :D


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This is a 55g tank that I started Fish Only in 06/05. I had no idea what I was really doing at the time. I thought this was a BIG tank. lol. This pic was taken a few weeks after I started it, before I had a chance to put many fish in it. Right now in this pic I think I had a pygmy angelfish and some chromis and some snails, but that's it.
This was a failed tank - After a few months I tore it down because I hated the CPR overflow design and got fed up with external overflows, so I ordered my 90g show tank with an internal overflow.


Well-Known Member

This is my first ever aquarium. A 20g nano with crushed coral as a substrate, an Emperor 280 biowheel for filtration and a Seaclone 100 protein skimmer! Bear in mind, I've come a long way since this design! Sorry for the poor quality photos.


Well-Known Member

These two pics were also taken from my 20g Nano starter tank. I really enjoyed those xenia. They did really well in that tank.


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This isn't a very good pic, but it's a 55g tank with two 250w metal halides. No water changes for a year before I took it down. All I had running on it was two aquaclear filters and a Coralife Super Skimmer 65g on it. I think I had a couple of Maxijet 900s or 1200s, I'm not sure. Yes, that is a deep sand bed. I put about 2" of crushed coral on the bottom, followed by 90 or so pounds of oolite sand. The system worked really well - No water changes for a year and everything was extremely healthy and growing very well.

By the way, this tank was started with TAP WATER. Don't gimme no fuss about starting tanks with tap water. I've done it.


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Ok, now before anyone bashes me, yes I know that is a yellow tang in a 55g reef tank. She (I call her a she) did very well in that tank and I eventually moved her into a 240g.


Well-Known Member

This is the only pic of the 240g reef ready tank that I had bought for a project that I was doing. (This is one of the tanks that I had that yellow tang in for awhile.) I had fallen on hard times right after I had it installed and sold it for dirt cheap to a friend to pay some bills. Sad really. But, life moves on. I have a build thread somewhere in these forums of this tank before I had to sell it. Oh well.


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I have had A LOT more then those tanks, but like I said, my computer crashed and erased all of my old photos. :(
Here is a pic of my current system:

20g Nano, practically nothing in it yet. I expect live rock sometime next week and some new lights and other equipment is coming in TOMORROW! I'm excited. I can't wait to get this little sucker up and running. It's going to be an SPS/LPS tank that is solely filtered by an algae scrubber... no other filtration media is going to be used...
Pic of the sump:


Well-Known Member
Here is a link to my current tank's build:
I would be very happy if a few people subscribed and followed along in my build. I promise that I will get some rock and fish and corals and stuff very soon in there. I promise that it will be cool, and I will share as much information with you as possible... and I would like to get advice too on some things... PLEASE!
I'll see if I can scrounge up any other pics to put in this thread.


Well-Known Member

Here I am setting up a 110g show tank for a client of mine. I'll try to get another pic of her tank sometime this week to add it to the thread. Its got a mild algae problem now, but nothing that can't be fixed soon.


Well-Known Member

Here is another pic of that 110g show tank after the salt had been mixed in it. I hate that it's not an internal overflow... but I can work with an external overflow. The problem with it though is that it's wanting to loose siphon with the mag 9.5 pump. Ugh, anyways... that's another story.


Well-Known Member

I wanted to put this pic in this collection as well because I think it's nice. It's my wife and I getting ready for her Senior prom, back when we were dating. :D I like the 90g show tank in the background. God I look young in that pic! hahaha, ... She hasn't changed much. Maybe a little now that she's preggers though. lol. (I love you hunny!) Has it really been six years? wow...


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This was a little 20g tank that I had set up with a metal halide for clams and other high light corals. It was only up for a few months though. The tank kept getting too hot, and even though I put a fan on it to cool it down, it still hovered at 84 degrees. This is the only pic that I have of it.