Some of my old tanks


Great thread and pics! As a noobie getting into the hobby threads like this get me even more motivated and eager to start things up.
Of the few threads i've started you have been nice enough to help me out and I (along with all of us here) really appreciate it.


Well-Known Member
Thank you for the kind words. I just enjoy helping new people in the hobby to not kill their livestock. :D Thank you once again.


Originally Posted by SnakeBlitz33 http:///t/387762/some-of-my-old-tanks/40#post_3453474
Thank you for the kind words. I just enjoy helping new people in the hobby to not kill their livestock. :D Thank you once again.
No problem. I finally get my 90 gallon corner tank next weekend so I am really getting excited now! My condo is filled with 3 tubs full of RO/DI water and my g/f isn't too happy about that lol. Nothing some flowers or a nice dinner won't cure!
Anyways...keep up the good work. I have seen some people write negative things for some reason but people like myself can't express how much your threads help. I read them all and you have already saved me time and $$ which in turn allows me to make the g/f happy (so I can bribe her...that way when I come home with a shiny new protein skimmer...the complaining is minimal lol).


I love your old tanks Seth(and the current build of course!). Maybe someday we will have a good looking tank, with all the knowledge you have shed upon our household! I have faith! Actually, I believe I have my husband convinced to do the seahorses in the 25 gallon, as you suggested. Hopefully we can find some once I get the rock work built up. I haven't seen any for sale on the island yet, but I haven't really been looking for them in the past trips to the LFS either.