Some one Help me understand WOMEN?!?


Active Member
understand this:
a man will pay $20 for a $10 hammer that he needs...
a woman will pay $10 for a $20 pair of shoes that she doesnt need.
that's women.


Active Member
Originally Posted by COWFISHRULE
understand this:
a man will pay $20 for a $10 hammer that he needs...
a woman will pay $10 for a $20 pair of shoes that she doesnt need.
that's women.

I'm so confused now.
Maybe a man will buy a 20 dollar hammer when he only needs a 10 dollar hammer.
And a woman will pay 30 for shoes because they are pretty., and not wear them because they hurt.


Active Member
Originally Posted by SpiderWoman
Sorry, not all women go crazy over shoes

One day when I was well, saying stuff to try and butter her up for
. I told her, baby, I love you, and I want to get to the place where I can buy you whatever shoes you want, whenever you want them, and get you a whole shoe room.
Yeah, I got

It worked better than the lasso the moon speech in It's a Wonderful Life.


Active Member
Marriage is a Three Ring Circus,
First is the Engagement Ring, next is the wedding ring, and finally is the SUFFERING
holy crap...thats something my mom would do! i have many biggio baseballs myself they are put up in a display case that is off limits! my husband has silly things that i wish i could trash but i wont because i know they mean something to him. go to ikea and get a friggin display case they're like $30! and for god's sake man keep your balls put up!


Active Member
Originally Posted by stdreb27
So I used to work for the Texas Rangers on the grounds crew. And I've accumulated quite a few MLB baseballs. I probably have 30 or so lying around. Then a few more that I use to play with, and stuff. I have alot of baseballs. Everywere. But anyway while she was at home alone decorating, she decided it would be a good idea to use a ball to decorate. And by decorate I mean putting the baseball in the bottom of a vase putting flowers in there then FILLING IT UP WITH WATER! Baseball don't like water, it ruins them.
This in and of itself is infuriating. But it gets even better, of ALL my baseballs she happened to grab a baseball that was a Craig Biggio home run ball that he hit while playing the Rangers it was the game winning home run in a 1 to 0 game. And Brad Lidge gave me the ball while he was walking back to the clubhouse for something. That was My FAVORITE one except for my omar Visquel Autographed ball. How screwed up is that.
How do woman know to find the most important piece of sports memorabilia you have then destroy it!

the simple answer is she knew how important they were to you and tried to incorperate it into her decorating scheme. thats true love. if she threw them in a crate in the back yard you'd be happier because they probably wouldnt have gotten ruined BUT, it would indicate not really wanting to share the same space. she wanted your favorite things in her life. screwed up your stuff but hey at least you have love.


Sorry to hear this. Did she tell you why she thought it was a good idea? It sounds like she was trying to do something nice but didn't use the best judgment on that. I would think that she is well aware of your love for baseball stuff. She may have been trying to include that in a display. Maybe make that vase look more guy friendly? What does she say about it all?
On the plus side, now would be the perfect time to get her to say yes to the nice display cabinet.


Active Member
A few more questions are required. Does she come inside if it starts raining? Does she crack the fridge to see if the light is actually out? I'm just thinking she may be legally retarded.
