Some photos of my son's seahorse christmas present....


Here are some photos....
Tank shot...

There will mostly be ricordia and shrooms in this tank along with gorgonians too. Maybe some zoo's as well.

I scored this at Something fishy today. This is going to be a very nice coral once its settles in and splits:)

More to come.....


More shroom photos…

This guy needs to come out shortly before it moves on me and placed in my main tankJ

Cool fire goby….

Side shot of tank….

The skimmer has been running for about two weeks now during its cycle and such…Seems to be working ok.

Fuge with lettuce and cheato as well….

Comments- suggestions?
This will house roughly 4-5 horses….. My son is 7 and is so excited to get his ponies before Christmas. He can’t wait!!!!!


advice? take out all the fish. fire fish and chromis are agressive in small tanks by them selves. sea horses wont be able to handle them.
also what are you going to be feeding? these are not simple creatures to keep alive.


Active Member
agreed i would just have horses in the tank,, it is a very nice setup and iw ouldnt want to ruin it with the firefish or chromis.. you should also set up a little 5 gallon so you can hatch live brine shrimp depending on wha kind of horses you will be adding as to feed them

yeffre kix

I'm not an expert on seahorses but as I understand it they should be kept in a seperate tank from other fish. They can be difficult to feed because they are very slow eaters. I beleive your fish will eat all of the food and the seahorses will starve. They are fascinating creatures but require a lot of work. Do some more research before you make that purchase.


I really appreciate your concerns, however I have done extensive homework on setting this up and read on quite a few other forums...
As a matter of fact.. Check this compadability list out. Firefish and chromis are on the list just as an FYI. I have seen someone that has had false percs in a seahorse tank for 3 years and the horses are going along just fine. Now mind you I do NOT desire to keep any clowns What so ever in this tank, just the two fish you see.
Thank you!


chances are they mean a school of these fish in a much bigger tank. im telling you its not worth losing you horses. also i see alot of power heads in the tank. first they dont like alot of current.actually it could stress them out resulting in death. neither do the corals you named. so i dont see the point. and i see a couple rios. which you cant control flow. these can suck up your sea horses and injur them. id say put the at the bottom of the tank pointing up and the top center. so when you feed food stays up and about instead of setteling. also cover the intakes.


The only rio in the tank is on my skimmer and that intake will be 100% modified to reduce any suction against the intake itself. As for the fuge pump its a very low suction pump, so I am fine there. As for the powerhead, it will be coming out. This is only in until I get the tank settled in.
I have seen seahorse tanks with nano streams in them. Seahorses can take flow, they just can't take direct hard flow. They can however take indirect disbursed flow.
I am in NO way arguing with you so don't take it as that. But when you read for hours on end and even then we still have no real clues as to what is what, you tend to learn some very obvious things. 10-15 years ago....Times have changed since then. I remember when bio balls and filters were a good thing on saltwater tanks. Actually what I mean is it was HIGHLY recomended and it was said it was a must ! Now most tanks have refugiums and skimmers to replace the nitrate producing factories from the past.
Where I am going with this is people learn from other peoples findings. I spend a good two hours a day reading on several different boards about either reef tanks and seahorse tanks. I am a firm believer in education and if a person does NOT care to take time to educate themselves, I don't have time to offer any assistance.
I really appreciate your time repling to my thread and I hope you continue as well.
In case anyone wants to see the tank that inspired me to do this for my son, here is the link! Enjoy!
Please do not post links to other forums
http://bPlease do not post links to other forums/b Its in the video section on the right. Click seahorse. You will be BLOWN AWAY....


Active Member
That is an AWESOME tank, but I don't think it's a good enviornment for seahorses. My horses would be miserable in there.


It is in fact an incredible tank isn't it! Apparently his horses are quite content and from what I heard they are a breeding pair!
Please don't think because I seen that tank I am bassing my info on that one setup in question. I frequent allot and I am reading forum after forum for do's and don'ts....
I truely beleive in skimmers and will do ALL I can to protect the direct suction from the intake to protect my son's pets.
I have two very successfull reeftanks and have allot of background with reef inhabitants, so this is in no way my first go round with challenges. Again,I realize that a seahorse tank is in NO way compared to a reef tank. This is why I am asking for feedback and comments. I will however not accept people that say NO NO NO to such things as fish when I see others keeping them as well!
I don't want to tell people that they are wrong and the info they are offering is incorect because NO one knows for sure what is correct and what is not. You have to find out for yourself.
Thank you,


I have to disagree on a few points with you NateP. I've had my seahorses for almost two years now with a firefish, the exact one you have pictured actually. My first fish in the tank was a royal gramma, known for being territorial, and I introduced a pair of seahorses a few months later with no aggression problems whatsoever. Although chromis are a type of damsel, and damsels can be aggressive, I'd watch extra close.
Also, the powerhead will be fine. I have a maxi-jet on my seahorse tank, and they actually hitch around the outtake tube sometimes, just to get their head in front of the flow. It's so funny to see their heads bobbing side to side, yet they seem to enjoy it.
That tank looks nice, good luck and I hope your son loves it! :happyfish


Active Member
Originally Posted by Torno
I have to disagree on a few points with you NateP. I've had my seahorses for almost two years now with a firefish, the exact one you have pictured actually. My first fish in the tank was a royal gramma, known for being territorial, and I introduced a pair of seahorses a few months later with no aggression problems whatsoever. Although chromis are a type of damsel, and damsels can be aggressive, I'd watch extra close.
Also, the powerhead will be fine. I have a maxi-jet on my seahorse tank, and they actually hitch around the outtake tube sometimes, just to get their head in front of the flow. It's so funny to see their heads bobbing side to side, yet they seem to enjoy it.
That tank looks nice, good luck and I hope your son loves it! :happyfish

lol my seahorses do the same thing! They love to play in the PH's.