Some pics of my 210 with the new LR

After I made the post, I kinda saw how someone could take it the wrong way. So that was my fault.. I really meant no harm.. I was just astonished by your setup <img src="graemlins//bah.gif" border="0" alt="[bah]" /> U know the last thing I want to do is piss someone off that knows more then me.. LOL They could tell me to do the wrong thing to my tank and crash it.. <img src="graemlins//yell.gif" border="0" alt="[yell]" /> Sorry again.. thanks for being a sport about it..


Originally posted by jeffandnance:
<strong>well if that ain't enough inspiration to be one of those phsyician guys I dunno wat they offer a correspondence course in that? lol just kiddin.....nice tank</strong><hr></blockquote>
i was thinking the same thing when i read he was a phys. must be nice to have your wallet. :D
i think the carpenter guy that razzed you on the other board was just jealous. that stand and tank is nice, regardless of what it cost imo. some things are priceless. :)


Maury, very nice tank. I likes :D I can't wait to finish my residency!!! Do you have specialty? I was thinking (rather, dreaming)of putting a big reef tank in the waiting room of my clinic-to-be. That tank surely will look very nice in the waiting room ;) Are you planning on some corals?


I'm an Internist. And you might want to rethink that tank in the waiting room idea. Old ladies with bad grandkids who try to feed your reef McDonald's french fries don't mix! ;) I had to move my 55 into my office from my waiting room. Now, I'm sure you could devise some sort of stand/canopy LOCK! LOL!


my first ever sight of a saltwater tank was at a children's hospital in new orleans. it was in the center enclosed in a stand and canopy. i think you could set it up to work. one in the wall would be ideal imo
WOW...great tank. You are right about the tank in the waiting room. I have seen one on the peds unit at Wake Medical Center in Raleigh, NC that was spectacular. You see it right when you get off the's breath taking and I'm sure the sick kids love it. It's totally enclosed in cabinetry and I'm sure the access was behind door number one to the right of it. You might consider this kind of benevolent act for the local hospital when you get into practice. Of course depending on your specialty, you may not have any spare time. I am a nurse, have asked my son to consider Dermatology...patients don't have emergencies, some don't get better and all the Dermatologists in our area are cash only. They don't file insurance. You can be a Physician and still have a life.