Some PICS of my 55 gallon


Tank has been running for about 7 weeks now and everything seems to be going alright, besides having 1 fatality (1 of my percula clowns died). Here is a list
1 coral beauty
1 percula clown ( I feel bad, he seems lonely)
1 brittle star
5 mexican turbos
2 emerald crabs
10 hermit crabs
1 sun coral
2 zoo colonies
1 green mushroom
1 candy cane coral
1 unidentified coral (trying to figure out what it is)
1 flame scallop
Any suggestions, or comments would be appreciated. I am having some problems deciding what to stock the tank with so any suggestions would be great.



looks good.
1 unidentified coral (trying to figure out what it is)
do you have a picture of this coral?


Your setup is very nice. I really like the aquascaping you have. You could get an enginer goby and a cleaner shrimp they are both fun to watch. You could also add a royal gramma for some color


what kinda light is that,
EDIT Please dont ask where items are sold at its against the board rules to post links to competitor sites.


In response to Mikes question; the coral I am trying to identify is the pink one I posted yesterday. It doesn't resemble a zoo at all. I checked the hyper-link you provided, but none of the zoos looked like mine. They have long tubes and when they are fully extended they stand a 1/2 tall, they have wavy tentacles, and look like they have little mouths. I hope this helps, if you want me to try and post another picture. My camera is a piece of garbage but I will try to take a better one. Thanks
ClownRico, the light is a coralife deluxe 4X65 with blue lunar lights. I am quite pleased with it so far and for the price, as compared to halides, I can't complain.


is your first picture the yellow sun coral? if so i definatley want one eventually. tank looks great! keep us updated :joy:


Active Member
For future reference, it is generally suggested that a coral beauty not be added to a system that is less than six months old. But he looks like he's doing fine, so that's good.


Yes it is a yellow sun coral. It was a frag and has 5 ployps. It is probably one of the most fascinating animals in my tank right now. It is really interesting to feed them and watch them eat.


My wife helped me with the rock work, she had a bridge theme going, i thought it turned out great. My LFS said that a coral beauty would be alright to add to my tank. It does seem a bit stressed though. It doesn't really roam around the tank, it swims in the back corner all the time and very rarely comes out. I appreciate the kind feedback.