some pics of my new 46 gal 3wks old


This is my first marine tank and im hooked. i cant say ill ever have any interest in going back to freshwater. this tank has been up and running for about 3 weeks now. everything seems to be doing fine except for the toadstool (sarcophyton). all my levels are where they need to be ( ammonia, ph, nitrite, nitrate, calcium, and kh) is there anything else i should be testing for? and also any comments on where i have things placed (maybe they would do better somewhere else?) any other advice anyone would want to give a newbie would also be appreciated.



Active Member
Where did you get your live rock? You got some great coraline algae going.
That's unbelievable to get all that in 3 weeks!


great tank, welcome to the site....3 weeks, any fish? just keep watching your ;levels they can change rapidly


Active Member
Originally Posted by IDGY
beautiful tank. Wow, it went through the cycle period and everything in 3 weeks?
Funny you should say this.... with live sand and a good amount of live rock I can cycle a tank in 3 days.


Frank the tank
well i got the live rock out of one of the show tanks at my local fish store (marks marine). so i guess i kinda had alittle head start.


yea ive got 4 fire fish and a royal gramma. i also had 4 peppermint shrimp, a fire shrimp and two cleaner shrimp, but the fire shrimp died and one of the peppermints was eatin by my rose bulb... is that normal? for the anemone to eat a shrimp?


Active Member
Nice tank especially for only three weeks, yes it is normal for an anenome to eat a shrimp if given the chance.


Active Member
maybe you should test your phos, i read not that long ago that toadstools dont do well when phos. is presant, where do you get your water, i do well water and it has phos, so icant do the leathers yet but im looking into a ro io unit
that is a beautiful tank, thanks for sharing


Active Member
Great looking tank!! I just transferred my 37gal into a 46gal bf last weekend, and so far I love it! Keep posting pics...great job.
Lisa :happyfish


Originally Posted by BabyB
maybe you should test your phos, i read not that long ago that toadstools dont do well when phos. is presant, where do you get your water, i do well water and it has phos, so icant do the leathers yet but im looking into a ro io unit
that is a beautiful tank, thanks for sharing
this might be a stupid ques., but what are phos? I get my water from the local pet store.


Active Member
Originally Posted by made4water
this might be a stupid ques., but what are phos? I get my water from the local pet store.
Phosphates... harmful to invertebrates and some leather corals and algae starters.
And LFS' can have phos in their water too. Mine does. Though it is a .2 reading. While 0 is the desired reading, anything .3 and under should be ok.


It's better than my 46gal and mine has been set up for almost 4 years. What type of lighting are you using?


Wow, i am amazed too. I would have never guessed that could be done in 3 weeks. Hopefully every thing stays well. Great job!