Some Pics of my Reef


Active Member
Nice pics Tony!
Is the Iwaki and eductors the only source of flow in your tank? If so, do you have any no/low flow spots in the tank?
What do you do to prevent back siphoning on the eductor lines in power outage situations?

tony detroit

Active Member
Nas-A mistake while switching tanks wiped out what was in my previous 180 when switching to this bowfront.
The anthias are lyretail anthias, and I am really happy with them, I recommend them for any 6' tank, they are pretty comical.
Cincyreefer-I still have the pulsing sinularia/leather
RobChuck-the eductors are pretty crazy, I wouldn't recommend them on a softy tank, they blow gravel no problem, I have them banking off the glass right now. I have siphon breaks drilled in the lines at the surface, and if that doesn't work, I also have a check valve installed on the return pump.


Active Member
Do you feel that the anti-siphon holes cause a noticable amount of peformance loss in the eductors by stealing some of the pressure that would otherwise be forced through the eductors?
The reason I ask is that I'm torn between placing them on the return line or on a closed loop on my next tank. I had a pair of Aquatic Eco eductors that I played around with in my bathtub before I sold them with the tank that they were going to go on, and I had them ripping almost as good on a Mag 9.5 (attached directly to the output) as on an Iwaki MD70RLT (two eductors using dry-fitted PVC), and I didn't get a chance to experiment with siphon holes before I sold them.

tony detroit

Active Member
Well as I see it, there are 3 ways to prevent/minimize syphon.
1. Check Valve: steals pressure and flow and are probably going to fail in time, mine did.
2. Siphon Break:minimal flow restriction, BUT only functional at the right size, you can't just use a pinhole on a 3/4'' line, has to be a decent size hole, 1/4'' or larger.
3. Leave the returns close to the water surface and let them syphon anyhow. This works if you have a large enough sump, BUT with the eductors, they pull so much vacuum from the back, that they will pull a vortex down in my tank from 3'' below the surface when the pump is running, just like in the bathtub when you pull the plug, and then you have bubbles spraying everywhere.
Rob, I'd say the eductors will only improve your flow on a large flowing/ high head pressure rated 15' minimum pump. Other than that, I'd say you're wasting space, time and money if you run it on something small like a mag. I've used mags for returns in the past, and they are no good. For one it was noisy, 2 it heated quite a bit, and 3 they lose flow very fast when you put them through a couple bends in the pipe. I'd say if you run the right size return pump on eductors, you probably won't be needing a closed loop, although it would not hurt either. Any questions, shoot me an email.