Some pics of the make over and of the new tanks


Active Member
Excellent pics, I love your corals. is that one a toadstool? What is your lighting setup? how big is your tank? I LOVE IT <3! :joy:


Active Member
Oh, lol, I just saw the updates. Looks awesome, much impoved off of something that was already pretty sweet! Did you get all of thsoe new corals at one?!?!? Nice green zoo's, love em'.


The tank above is a 75 reef I have had up for a little over a year just taking it real slow and adding a few things here and there. The big leather is a finger. Current lighting in 260 coralife PC. should be getting my 500 w mh/pc combo tommorrow or the next day. The 175 is just being set up for a predator tank and the 15 is my boys nemo tank. It has a 130 Coralife PC on it so I will use it for frags as well. At 8 watts a gal it should do ok. Thanks for comments on pics still learning this new cam. The 175 will get the 260 pc for keeping some of the hitchiker zoos and shrooms alive


Forgot to say yea on the corals and LR in the 175 bought a 150 that had been up for 14 years. The spot dragonett and the perc came with it.