Some pics since combining my tanks...


Everything has opened up and looks far...
Here's a total mismatch of some of the things in my tank. When everything is finally set up where I like it I'll get some full tank shots lol
My favorite little guy in the tank is my bi-color blenny...although he isn't looking very bi-color right now. Is this a stress from the move thing?

While all the other crabs have been acting fine and well, one of my emeralds has taken up permanent shop under a mushroom. I know he's okay cause he waves at me every now and then
but he has been in that same spot since 6pm yesterday when he was placed in this tank.

My other favorite blenny:

My "miniature" hammer
I swear this thing has not grown at all since I've had it

My frogspawn that I'm so proud of. This is the one that I almost lost...withered up, receeding issues back and beautiful

And can someone tell me what this thing is? I know it's an anemone but what type? It came into my tank as a hitchhiker...doesn't bother anything and never moves...kind of cool looking...about the size of a baseball


Originally Posted by OleMiss
What type of blenny is in the third pic?
It's a molly miller :)
Never heard of that does look a bit similar but at the same time maybe not %% There was a lady here who several AMAZING tanks that after 10 years of reef keeping decided it was time to get out of the hobby. I purchased a bunch of things from her and the anemone came over with those purchases. I did ask her about it ~ and she had no idea what kind it was either
She also could not recall how long she had it, only that it had been several years since she had purchased anything for the tanks lol.
Here's another picture (now see this is why I don't like whole shots until the tank is done lol...just pretend the background of the tank is black cause it will be soon, that all the frags are in place on the rocks and the hob is just running carbon and filter floss to help me clear up the water from the move ;) lol)...the anemone sits on the bottom left...always under a rock in the sand is the preferred location. If I put him on the bottom next to a rock it never moves.


Figured I may as well go ahead and post the fts....everything is not in it's final resting place lol....the background as mentioned will be up soon and I'm trading the clam to someone in my local reef club this weekend because the new tank doesn't have as strong of lighting as my last tank did and I'm worried about whether or not it will be enough. But for it is...

coral keeper

Active Member
Very nice hitchhiker.
I've seen a few of those hell's fire anemones for sale at a few LFS around me and they are quite expensive actually, they are about $30 depending on size and coloration. Seen a few on an online store, but they don't have them anymore.


I've just read a bit about the hells fire anemones and from what I understand they pack quite a sting. I've handled this thing numerous times and never felt a thing, my blenny has swam in, under and around it just fine and since my female clarkii won't let the male into the sebae, the male clarkii will sometimes lay down in this anemone ?? It doesn't seem at all aggressive.


The only difference I see there is that the tentacles seem really short in every pic I've seen. Let me try and get a different shot of this guy...hard to tell in the picture I posted, but his tentacles are kind of all curled up around each other and at least, if not longer than my index finger if straightened out. The disc also is not wider than the tentacles are long if that makes sense?? I'm not saying it isn't, just can't find another picture of one that looks like what this is.
Or maybe there's just something wrong with mine ?? lol


Active Member
thats a pretty sweet tank u got loving the aquascape... i can never be that creative...i alway just stack my rocks up against the back wall and try to cover up the mess with corals.
..are u planning on a or black?