some questions about setting up a 240 G tank


New Member
I currently have an 8 foot 240 G aquarium that has been empty for more than a year , I am ready to turn it into my first salt water tank(FOWLR) .I just have a few questions too ask
I am looking at either purchasing a Deltec or an aqua-c skimmer which would be the better option ?
what would be the ideal ratio of live rock/dry rock ? I have enough dry rock from my cichlid aquariums to filter the entire aquarium
is a skimmer and live rock all that required ? perhaps a cannister filter ?
the part that I am finding the hardest about planning this tank is the water supply , whats the best way to go ?
finaly can I plaease have some ideas on how to stock this tank my favourite fish are tangs and angels but would appreciate any suggestions
thanks for any feedback


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Originally Posted by shimbox http:///t/388879/some-questions-about-setting-up-a-240-g-tank#post_3432558
I currently have an 8 foot 240 G aquarium that has been empty for more than a year , I am ready to turn it into my first salt water tank(FOWLR) .I just have a few questions too ask
I am looking at either purchasing a Deltec or an aqua-c skimmer which would be the better option ?
I am not to sure about skimmers myself so I will let someone else answer this for you.
what would be the ideal ratio of live rock/dry rock ? I have enough dry rock from my cichlid aquariums to filter the entire aquarium
I would say 20% live rock and 80% base rock would be fine.
is a skimmer and live rock all that required ? perhaps a cannister filter ?
You are for sure going to need some sort of filtration besides the live rock and live sand. Also you are going to need a heater, some powerheads and are you planning on going with a sump, or everything is going to be hang on back?

the part that I am finding the hardest about planning this tank is the water supply , whats the best way to go ?
The easiest way for you in my oppinion would be to purchase yourself a RO/DI unit since it will pay for itself by filling up your tank the first time. Unless you want to head up to walmart or some other place and lug home 240 gallons of RO water.

finaly can I plaease have some ideas on how to stock this tank my favourite fish are tangs and angels but would appreciate any suggestions
Just take a look online of your favorite fish and read about them. Put a list together and come back here and post it, we will let you know if it will all work together.

thanks for any feedback


New Member
thnaks for the response .
I was planning on going with a sump as from what I have read it is just about a must have ,however being a non-technical type of person it would be much easier for me to go with a hang on back skimmer plus a cannister filter , would this be a good idea ?
For filtration I will have a protein skimmer, live rock,live sand and an eheim cannister filiter


Active Member
you do not need a mechanical filter if you have plenty of lr and flow in the tank.the benifit of a sump is to hide the heaters ,add more water volumn and you can have rock rubble in it to add to the filtration and a home for pods to breed.
i have ran tanks for years without a sump or mechanical problems .just make sure you dont add fish too fast or overstock the tank.add fish slow so the good bacteria can grow to the bioload accordingly.i just bought a skimmer for my 250 reef but have not set it up yet.i have not ran a skimmer in over 10 years.all the extra gadgets are nice but imo the trick to this is patience and time for a tank to mature.
i would seriously get a qt for new fish .if you add a fish to a big tank like your and have 150 + lbs of lr good luck catching them.i know i had to do it a couple times.although i got ich from a couple corals i added a few years ago.what a pain it was to catch and treat the fish.


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by shimbox http:///t/388879/some-questions-about-setting-up-a-240-g-tank#post_3432597
thnaks for the response .
I was planning on going with a sump as from what I have read it is just about a must have ,however being a non-technical type of person it would be much easier for me to go with a hang on back skimmer plus a cannister filter , would this be a good idea ?
For filtration I will have a protein skimmer, live rock,live sand and an eheim cannister filiter
You sound exactly like me....I am not handy at all. 2Quills, Acrylic51 and Al&Burke all helped me to swap over to a sump. After seeing how easy it was I did my own in my 30g and 56g tanks...I'm so proud of my silly self...LOL
It isn't hard at all and to maintain a sump is much easier. The HOB skimmers are all garbage IMO. The in-sump skimmers have worked great for me. So get your sump tank and ask for help, folks are great for step by step assistance, don't be afraid.


New Member
what large angelfish would be most suited to a tank of my size? I understand that some of these fish require very large tanks
can I get 2 tangs ? 1 of the zebras tangs and 1 of the larger tangs ?


Active Member
not sure on the angel since i have almost always had a reef long as you have alot of rock and hiding places 4 tangs should be fine.i have a sailfin now and tangsrule here is qt 3 tangs for me to yellow belly hippo,orange shoulder and a naso.i will add them at the same time.i have a 250 gallon.i have also had 4 tangs in a 150 in the past with no problems.just have to watch the sizes differences and order you add them.