some quick questions.


I ve been having some problems keeping new snails alive.The problem is only affecting snails for some reason. I plan to do a water change with RO instead of the usual tap.
1- What's the biggest water change I can do without stressing out my reef tank?
2-How much carbon is adequate to completely wipe out anything that might be dissolved in the water? I have a 55gal.


Active Member
How are you acclimating the snails? What are your current parameters? Are there older snails in the tank that are ok? As for your questions, I am not sure enough to say. Switching to anything other than tap is a good choice though.


Its weird. Any new snails I add tend to freeze up.They wont crawl or stick to glass or anything in the tank. They stay alive for weeks.Ive slowly acclimated some from a few hours up to 3 days and still the same problem.I have 3 I bought a long time ago that are acting normal.The problem doesnt affect anything else fish, corals,shrimp,hermits,or even my scallop.:notsure: Parameters are fine but Im questioning my Ammonia right now. The test result comes out white for some reason.


Ive done a 15gal water change with R.O water after letting the tank water evaporate to 1.024. I'm happy to say that some of the snails I got last weekend are comming around. Theres a few that are still but alive.