Some shots of my 12 gallon aquapod! Enjoy


Here are some random shots of my 12 gallon pod. Some might be doubles and I appologize for that. Some are with all lights on, some are with the actinics on.
Thanks for any comments!



OMY Gosh no need for
BUT thank you! It has been set up now since April 2006. Mind you most of the corals were from another tank that I broke down and placed in this new ank. But some of them are quite new?
Thanks for the kind words. Just figured I would share. Sorry for so many pictures. I thought, well why waste em'....LOL
Have a great Day!


wow i must say youve done a great job. beautiful tank!!! may i ask how much you invested for all the livestock? im new at this may 6 weeks. ive had about 150.00 worth of stock die.i have a 5 gal nano w 2 gal you have a sump?


lighting.... has any body heard of using hallogen lighting for tanks?????????? lots cheaper and very strong. also what are the lights used to bring out the bluish beautiful coloring in some of the tanks?


Thanks for the compliments. This tank has been great to scape. I really enjoy it. To top it off its in my new babies nursery. So he will have loads of staring time as he grows up!!!
As far as what makes the blue its an actinic bulb. In line of the reply of the"Halogen" light? Stay away from them. They are not the right color bulbs. They also kick off way to much heat. They would literally cook a tank of this size in hours. I wish it was as simple as to buy one of them, but its just not the case?
The tank is pretty much stock except for adding two more fans to the hood, and a DIY wooden airstone skimmer in my chamber. There is an auto top off in the tank as well. I just feed it every other day and do 2 gallon water changes weekly!
The tank is up since april, but mind you alot of the corals came from my already established tank. They were all just frags from the colonies....
Thanks again and if you have any other questions feel free to ask!!! I will post pics of my larger tank soon enough!


Here is a front shot of my larger tank. ITs a 46g bowfront.

Here is the left side of the tank.

Here is the right...

I have added about 6 more SPS frags and cut the frogspwan down to size and the hammer as well.


Thanks although both tanks are far to overpacked. I need to start fragging and selling. I have about 20 corals I need to frag and thin out:(