some suggestions please...


i am new at this hobby,and really love it--i am in the 4th week of my cycle and everything is almost done--i have a 46 gallon tank and 3 damsels and 15lbos of rock--i am ready for fish and would love to have some sugestions on amounts and types of fish--i love the yellow tangs and my little boy really loves colors--so any help appreciated--by the way,do the damsels have to go??--thnks alot


Active Member
What types of damsels are they? how big are they?
the yellow tang should be fine if you get a very small one. It'll grow. I suggest (as I always do) that you get two clowns (your choice or species). Maybe a flame or coral beauty Angel (these stay small and are beautiful).
Here's how I would poulate a tank that size:
Add the clowns
Wait a few months - 3
add the coral beauty/flame angel
wait a few months - 2
add the tang.
Also - one of the coolest things my kids like are the hermits/snails about 25 ea.
You could also add urchins, sand sifting stars, polyps, mushroom corals, an anemone or two and your tank will be awesome.


very small damsels---one zebra striped???,one purple and yellow and one bright blue(sorry dont know the names)should they come out or not??i really appreciate all the info u hav given me--thnks alot


Brewski hit it on the head!! Perfect selection!!! Just follow his list and everything should be OK..


Active Member
just my opinion, but i would not add a tang to a 46 gallon, they need a lot of swimming room, 4 ft or more is best, and they also like a lot of live rock to swim through and graze on, even if you buy it small, it will grow and i don't like the idea of borrowing fish, just to return them, if you intend to get a bigger tank in the near future, maybe, but otherwise i wouldn't


Active Member
I agree with fshub on this one, sorry but I feel that your tank is too small for a strong swimming sp. like tangs. By the way, what are your water perameters.


I'm a broken record on this board, I love my firefish and clowns, but you should definitely look at a Midas Blenny at the store (books don't do them justice). They are a lighter yellow than the Tang, but when healthy and happy, they have a pink or peach undertone to their color. their swimming is kind of eel-like and mine is active non stop when I'm in the room. They are great community fish and eat most anything.