some tank pics, and some questions


hey ya'll, i havn't posted in a long time, busy with school and work. I just order 40 lbs. of LR last week. Came in nicely. Tank is coming along.
here is few questions i have from over the past 2 months
1. How long will it take to see some new growth come back on my LR? I know it takes awhile but, should i be adding anything to the tank now? Like calcium to help with coarline and what not. Tank is FOWLR right now. going to wait a few more months to get some corals. My lfs said to wait until I buy some corals to add any supplements. True?
2. Im gonna need a skimmer here soon, any recomendations? My lfs said to get a crp hang on. JW what ne one else thought. Its a 55 gal.
3. In my inter overflow box, the water level is higher than usaully. Does this mean the flow rate is slowing down? It was half way up last month. now its all most to the top.
4. Also, im gonna need a clean up crew soon. Could some one give me a list of inverts that will be good for my system?
And how long should I wait too add a clean up crew? Right now i have some type of worms in my dsb, and about 2-3 doz little snails that come out at night.
5. Fish, im going to trade in the 2 damsels, and the rusty to the lfs, what should i get to replace them?
Thanks for all the help ne one can give me.
i attached some pics, sry not very good, bad camera, but hey its better than nothing.
1 of 6.


OT: Nice sump there. You make it ? In picture 5 that looks like some type of macro algae. Is that fiji rock ?


That algae is exactly what came with my Fiji rock it will grow into what's in my pic. I kind of like it so I leave it in the tank. It tend to grow quickly and therefore I prune but since it's taking up nutriens from the water I have zero hair Algae.


thanks beefcake, yes i made it, gathered plans of net, and asked questions. and yes it fiji rock sry about bad pics again.
NOW, 2night, the siclicon in the center chamber on the bottom started to leak on sump, factory disfect or sumthing, well i was at work, and it leaked about 9 gallons of water onto the floor! gotta figure sumthing out 2morrow. and im worried about the stand becacuse its particle board. i think im going to start to looking for a 75 or a 90 gal. with stand. just mad about it ughhahghg!!!!!!!!!
saltaddict - i was thinking same thing sometype alege. what u have in that pic, is what it looks like close up. thanks. u know what the white things are. sponges??
and if ne one can help me out on my other question it will be appericated.


ne one wanna take a stabe on above questions :D
im thinking about up gradein my tank also, im thinking a 90 or 75, ne suggestions on this?
i am ordering some supplements online, with some other stuff for future use, my coralline is metalicly looking and dieing, i do belive, this is on my one peice of LR i had form the very start, was coverd, now its dieing off~!?~?~?
i oreded Pro Buffer w/Coralline Accel (Kent), and Concentrated Liquid Calcium (Kent), along with, test kits;Calcium Reef Test Kit (Aq. Systems) and, Alkalinity Test Kit (Aq. Systems).
ne input on these, slections or other suggestions, will be very useful to to me, i need to fix the coralline before it entirely dies off.