New Member
ok been trying to read about flat worms and any other type of worm and I cant find a pic of one that's looks like the ones I have. The thing I have are about 1/4 inch long maybe 1/16 to 1/8 inch wide and pinkish gray. I noticed them today chilling on the surface of my tank seen about 5 or 6 not watched one swim down and burrow into sand. In my tank I have a bunch of hermit crabs a false perc 2 spider decorator crabs a green brittle star and a small horseshoe crab. In my reading about what horseshoe crabs eat I see that they eat worms that live in the sand will he eat these and should I just leave them or should I go on the offensive and do a massive clean up and try and vacuum all the sand and get as many as I can out. On a side note is it possible that these things came in on my live tubeflex worms that I feed my horseshoe crab its the only thing he likes