Somebody Please i Need Help! Isopods


huge and plentifil. somebody has got to have an answer out there. i have a 30 gallon and it is just filled with isopods. there is one im particularly scared of. i just bought a ora baby maroon clown and this thing is almost half its size. they mostly come out at night, quite liesurely ide say they swim around and make themselves comfortable. they are visible in the cracks of rocks and on the sides of my tank durring the day. please someone, i love this fishtank and these things are like little devils. i understand they serve some purpose but its insane how many i have and how big they are. i am officially scared to stick my hand in the water, i feel horrible for the clown.


How about a six line wrasse? Assuming you have room for another fish and the wrasse would be compatible with what you have.


Active Member
The population explosion could be caused by overfeeding, isopods will regulate themselves based on the amount of available food.


Green Mandarin Dragonette will make short work of the pods.
Problem with using fish though is that once the pods are gone the fish may starve. If you have a fuge to grow more as food then I'd go the fish route, otherwise, as mentioned above careful feeding will cause them to self regulate their own population.

coral keeper

Active Member
Originally Posted by Cdangel0
Green Mandarin Dragonette will make short work of the pods.
Problem with using fish though is that once the pods are gone the fish may starve. If you have a fuge to grow more as food then I'd go the fish route, otherwise, as mentioned above careful feeding will cause them to self regulate their own population.
Don't get any pod eating fish because they will eat all the pods and will starve to death. They need 150+ gallon tanks to thrive long term.


Active Member
Agreed a 30g tank is nowhere near large enough to support a Manderin or other pod eating fish long term.


the bottom two are the ones i see the most, although i think i have seen the one that looks like a pill bug. also some have profound stripes of red and black on their backs. the middle one is the ones i see the most and that have the stripes. i cannot have a wrasse? ive actually kinda always wanted one.. also i feed rods food so a wrasse would eat that right? and what happens when i cut down the food supply to these things. is there a chance of one of these things trying to eat my fish?

coral keeper

Active Member
You have good pods. They are beneficial to the tank and are totally harmless. The population will go down after a while. Its completely normal for a new tank.


well ive had my tank for a year now but regardless thank you also do you have any pics of the bad pods i can see