someone built a sand mountain in my tank...who?

Hey guys, I came home from work today and I went over to my tank to check out my new fish. I just added a naso tang and a diamond goby. I also have 2 percs. Anyways, as soon as I looked in, I noticed a sand mountain in front of one of the rocks, this is no little thing, it is like 3 inches high (above my sand bed). The goby was sitting on top of the mountain, but I can't imagine him having the power to do that. What could have done it, was it the naso? I got lots of little crabs and a couple emeralds. Just curious, as to anyone's conjecture. I didn't see it happen so I have no clue.
thanks for the thoughts
I knew the goby sifted sand, that is the reason why I added him, but gosh I never imagined him moving this much sand, is it in their nature to do this often?
thanks guys Sean


Active Member
Yes, they sift very efficiently. In fact, the LongFinned Sleeper (V. longipinnis) is known to efficiently sift an average of 6 bites per minute! That may not seem to be a lot, but it is the greater than any other Sleeper has been capable of.
what is the best looking goby........some of those things are ugly but they sound really cool.
I always wanted a watchman goby and a pistol shrimp


Active Member
IMO? The OrangeSpotted Sleeper Goby (Valencienna puellaris) is the best looking Goby around, but that's just my opinion, which doesn't hold much water.