Someone help please


Active Member
Originally Posted by Melisa3816
All my readings are coming up fine did a water change 2 weeks ago ,I have no live rock,clown didn't eat anything yesterday he acted like he couldn't get to the top,I have been feeding the fish some flake foods that have Brine Shrimp in it the take has been set up for 5 months
Yes like the above postings, you must post your readings! For tangs, you should feed more then flakes and brine shrimp. You NEED algae strips!!!! It probably died from insufficient nutrition & starvation. Too much meaty stuff cause them to grow a cyst spot like a ich spot. They do lose their coloring while the lights is off and after lights are on for a bit, it comes back. But if it remains faded, there's something wrong with your water, stress, and insufficient nutrition. I wouldn't even put a tang in such a small tank, the smallest I would go would be a 46 - 55 gallon for a small tang. Then upgrade to a larger tank for the fish. Samething with your clown, insufficient nutrition. Your flakes is NOT enough nutrition for those fish. You need to get some frozen stuff if your a busy person like me. Stuffs like Formula 2, Marine Cuisine, Blood Worms, etc. Also Algae strips is a must for tangs! There's lots of variety of frozen food you can buy for your fish friend. Go in your LFS to check them out. I hope this helps you out a bit. Good Luck! :happyfish


Active Member
By the way, I'm starting to feel like a "Tang Police" just not as bad as they are...


Thank you everyone,yeah I know I messed up when I bought that Yellow Tang for a 20 gallon :notsure: didn't know that the tank size was to little till someone or shall I say everyone on here told me.
I noticed that the Yellow Tang color would change like you all was talking about with the lights begin off and then back on but the day before he died that whole day his color looked so light Thanks everyone for everything.will be a while before I get anymore fish
lol don't like get attached to them and then something happens to them.


Active Member
You can get more fish in the future, just post your water parameters so we can help you get your tank back in shape. You can have a beautiful tank if you are willing to accept the help.